
This is coolbert:
We are not talking here about soldiers filled with lust and running amok raping the women of the enemy just to satisfy sexual needs.
We are talking about a conscious effort to defile the women of your enemy. A conscious effort that has long term ramifications.
Classic defeat of an enemy in war consists of destroying the enemies military, occupying their land, and breaking their will to resist.
In addition, the rapists are precluding the possibility of future generations of your enemy from once again facing you on the battlefield [this will be explained in more detail further].
The fact is that rape has long been recognized as a power trip for the rapist. The one doing the raping is exercising and demonstrating his power over the one being raped. Prison rape for instance, is not about sex-starved men getting release for their lust, it is about domination. The one being raped is being shown that they are the weaker and at the mercy of the rapist. And that they had better do as they are told. In war, it is no less.
Many examples from ancient antiquity to the present bear witness that rape in war is about power, domination, and debasement of the vanquished.
From the "Trojan Women", the play by Euripides, we see quotes that indicate the lowly and debasing status given to the captured women of Troy, after the conquest by the Achaens. [my comments in bold].
"Cassandra, whom the king Apollo left to be a virgin, frenzied maid, hath Agamemnon, in contempt of the god's ordinance and of piety, forced to a dishonoured wedlock."
Cassandra was the daughter of Priam, king of Troy. Forced to become a bride of Agamemnon, the victor at Troy.
"Whose slave shall I become in my old age? in what far clime? a poor old drone, the wretched copy of a corpse, set to keep the gate or tend their children, I who once held royal rank in Troy."
Here, Hecuba, Queen of Troy, laments how she was a royal, and now will be a servant.
"What! Phoebus' virgin-priestess, to whom the god with golden locks granted the boon of maidenhood?"
Here, the talk is once of again of Cassandra, who was to be chaste forever, is violated and becomes the bride of the conqueror.
"To minister at Achilles' tomb hath been appointed her."
Another daughter of Priam has been assigned the task of administering to the tomb of the greatest of Greek warriors. And the killer of her brother!
"And what of mail-clad Hector's wife, sad Andromache? declare her fate.
She too was a chosen prize; Achilles' son did take her."
A woman was taken as wife by the son of the man who killed her husband!!
And this can go on and on with the play the "Trojan Women". The whole point is the that women of Troy are not only slaves, but debased in their slavery in specifically chosen ways to make the humiliation that much worse!!
To read Euripides "Trojan Women", click here.
Another war from antiquity that illustrates the phenomenon of rape in war is the abduction of the Sabine women by the Romans.

I have said in previous posts that the one man that has the most living descendants is Genghis Khan. Having six wives and many concubines, Genghis was able to procreate himself at a prodigious rate. These concubines were mostly women from among his conquered and destroyed enemies. Genghis has alive today and estimated 16 million descendants!! And the quote of Genghis on what is happiness is most indicative of his attitude toward the women of the vanquished:
"Man's greatest good fortune is to chase and defeat his enemy, seize his total possessions, leave his married women weeping and wailing, ride his gelding, and use the bodies of his women." - Genghis Khan
Genghis would not have stood up well under investigation for war crimes by current standards!!
And rape as a weapon of war is not of course confined to antiquity. Hardly so!
In the years just prior to World War Two, the Japanese committed one of the most barbaric atrocities of the war, perhaps the most barbaric.
The aftermath of the Second World War in the part of Germany occupied by the Russians was also another example of rape in war.
As with all things about World War Two, rape in the two above instances was done on such a colossal and bestial and barbaric manner, that it is almost beyond belief. This was rape with a purpose, and was pursued by the perpetrators with such relish, that it demonstrates what is called in criminal law circles a depraved mentality.
And in recent years, we see the evidence of rape as an instrument of war in both the Balkans and most recently in the Sudan. Rape that is very pre-meditated and takes advantage in both cases of religious convictions and cultural practices to maximize the effect of the rape.
In the fighting between the Serbs and the Bosnian Muslims in the most recent Balkan war, rape was indeed a weapon of war.
This brings us to the present, right now, as we speak. In the western part of the Sudan, an area called Dar Fur, rape is being used as a weapon of war.
Please forgive me when I say that the above entry makes you want to go outside, take a deep breath, and walk around for a while. This form of behavior really makes you wonder about the human race and the mentality of the same.
And another personal note.