
This is coolbert:
"My name is Bond, James Bond!!"
Was there a real life inspiration for the Ian Fleming character, James Bond!!?? An intelligence officer [spy] with a multiplicity of skills and abilities, far beyond those of mere mortals. Performing missions for British intelligence [SIS/MI6]. Taking on a variety of enemies and always vanquishing same.
Considerable [?] speculation exists in this regard. NONE conclusive.
Did Ian Fleming actually have a person in mind when he wrote the entire "Bond" series of books?
"Many Ian Fleming biographers agree that James Bond is largely based on Fleming himself."
Worked in the intelligence field, the heavy drinking, the womanizing, living life in the "fast lane", etc.
Other candidates have been suggested. Among them are:
* Sir Fitzroy Maclean.
"reputed to be a British secret agent in WWII Yugoslavia and friend (and biographer) of Tito"
* Dusko Popov.
"a Serbian double agent nicknamed Tricycle." [called Tricycle because of his fondness for bedding two women at the same time!!]
"Popov was a worthy predecessor to the fictional spy James Bond. He stayed at the best hotels, ate at top restaurants, visited smart casinos, and was a bon vivant."
"bon vi·vant –noun. a person who lives luxuriously and enjoys good food and drink."
* Merlin Minshall.
"who worked for Fleming . . . during the Second World War"
* Sidney Reilly.
"a notorious adventurer and secret agent"
* Colonel Duane Hudson .
"Colonel Duane Tyrell Hudson was a British soldier who fought in Yugoslavia during World War II."
"a rugby player, swimmer, rider, skier, boxer, and wrestler . . . He spoke six foreign languages and had a reputation as a ladies' man."
Athlete, polyglot, skier, martial artist, AND LADIES' MAN!! Fits the bill pretty good!!
* Wilfred Dunderdale.
"Wilfred Albert (Biffy) Dunderdale (24 December 1899-13 November 1990[1]) was a British spy and intelligence officer."
* Peter Fleming. [older brother of Ian]
If we only slightly refresh our memories about James Bond, he is described by Ian Fleming as being of Scottish descent, a naval officer of lower rank during World War Two, but serving with the Royal Marine commando, enjoying aquatic and winter sports, a ladies man and bon vivant.
"Bond's father was Scottish and his mother was French Swiss"
James Bond, perhaps, is a composite character?
There is, however, one additional individual, who, again, perhaps, more than any other, is the man-of-action/intelligence officer/multi-faceted personality Ian Fleming had in mind when he created the character of James Bond and wrote the "Bond" series of spy thrillers.
Patrick Dalzel-Job.

"an accomplished linguist, author, mariner, navigator, parachutist, diver and skier."
Did possess "a multiplicity of skills and abilities, far beyond those of mere mortals", of Scottish descent, a naval officer of lower rank, serving with the Royal Marine Command during intelligence missions. Was a skier ["On Her Majesty's Secret Service"], and diver ["Thunderball"].
Was on a familiar basis with Ian Fleming. Served in the British 30 AU intelligence gathering unit. Prior to that, saw combat while on "special missions".
"He transferred to 30 AU under Commander Ian Fleming who was then Personal Assistant to the Director of Naval Intelligence."
Commissioned in the Royal Navy, but - - commanded Royal Marine Commandos.
"promoted to Lieutenant Commander, he landed near Varreville on Utah beach, Normandy, on D+4 with two Royal Marines Commandos allocated to him, and an unrestricted authority order"
Was given more or less carte' blanche authority to perform his mission in Europe subsequent to D-Day [6 June 1944].
"carte blanche –noun 1. unconditional authority; full discretionary power."
UNRESTRICTED AUTHORITY ORDER!! Sounds similar to the authority given James Bond, "license to kill". By that, MI6 has given Bond the prior approval to kill opponents at his discretion in furtherance of the mission.
"Dalzel-Job was widely acclaimed as one of the main inspirations for James Bond, Ian Fleming's fictional character"
Dalzel-Job did not totally fit the bill as the inspiration for James Bond, according to his own words [Dalzel-Job]:
"[I] personally 'only ever loved one woman' and was 'not a drinking man'".
But - - WHO would exactly fit the bill!!?? NO ONE!!
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