
This is coolbert:
"We want to know what happened" . . ."We have no idea .... We know him as a good boy." . . . "He liked everybody, so I don't know what happened."
Well, everyone is trying to understand WHY he did it. The young man that walked into the mall in Salt Lake City and just started blazing away. Killed five persons and wounded a score more before being killed himself. And had THE MIND to do much more damage if allowed to.
WHY did he do it? That is the question!
My intuitive, initial response was LONE WOLF, LONE WOLF, LONE WOLF. JIHADI LONE WOLF!!!
"someone who commits violent acts in support of some group, movement, or ideology, but does so alone, outside of any command structure."
A Derrick Shareef–like wannabee who became more than a wannabee. NOT just a wannabee anymore. DID IT FOR REAL, AND BIG TIME TOO!!
[Derrick Shareef. Of course. The jihadi-wannabee in Rockford, Illinois, who got the idea in his head to attack a shopping mall with hand grenades. Also the lone-wolf style jihadi attacker. Acting alone, without any association to other jihadis.]
For a while, the media WOULD NOT RELEASE THE NAME OF THE PERPETRATOR. It was only about a day after the “incident” that the name of Sulejman [Suleiman] Talovic became known. A Bosnian Muslim refugee living in Salt Lake City with his family.
A Muslim boy, who for no apparent reason, just calmly walks into a mall shooting with the intent to kill as many folks as possible, AND DOES SO, HEEDLESS OF WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN TO HIM!
[and I would have to assume that Sulejman realized in advance that he was probably going to die in the process??!!]
Some will see this as a case of the home-grown terrorist run amuck! An American [albeit a refugee] who has decided to wage his own jihad against those he lives among.
[Sulejman is NOT born American, but, seems to have spent a goodly portion of his formative years in the U.S. How much so is not clear. To that extent, he can be said to be home-grown?]
It would be incorrect to jump to conclusions here and make definitive statements until more is known about Sulejman. MORE that seems to be slow in being released. It might very well be that Sulejman is more akin to a Klebold or Harris of Columbine infamy. Runs around shooting folks for NO REAL REASON WHATSOEVER. Does it just for the sake of doing so??!!
I hope that someone in authority is looking closely at the background of Sulejman.
Salt Lake City police, FBI, Homeland Security, etc.
What was he reading? Did he have a computer and what web sites did he visit? Who were his friends or associates?
All this DOES need to be looked at. A must!
Labels: GWOT
Yes, definitely, and there needs to be more publicized on his status, regarding religion, citizenship, etc.
There are enemies out there, the moslem as such necessarily is our enemy, and anti-discrimination as an ideal for immigration policy, leaves us open to the moslem terror offensive which is sweeping the world.
Another way of posing questions as those given above, would be to ask why do not all moslems subject to the command to wage the war of religion against the infidel, do so actively?
If the moslem faith be a military indoctrination every bit as much as it is an indulgence of spirituality, this could be a clue as to how one might expect command structures to develop.
A lone-wolf jihadi acting on his own instigation, seems the most unlikely possibility.
The indoctrination towards violent action is not going to happen just from reading; but someone, and not just one, is daring and double-daring the hothead on to action.
1:01 AM
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