Thoughts on the military and military activities of a diverse nature. Free-ranging and eclectic.

Monday, February 05, 2007


This is coolbert:

Emotion clouds reason!!" - - Michael Corleone.

Churchill, in a comment made over one hundred years ago now, spoke this way about the Mussulman [Muslim]:

"How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! . . . the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog"

Is this so? Adherents describe Islam as a religion of peace. Submission to the will of GOD!! Fanatical frenzy? Right? Wrong?

Here is an item from the Daniel Pipes web site. Illustrates how in the Islamic culture, emotionalism can gain control of a crowd and create an unmanageable, uncontrollable, chaotic, frenzied response that becomes infectious. A response that is unequalled in the world and becomes a thing of great danger to all around??

[is this unequalled in the whole world? How emotion can so overcome reason!!??]

This sort of response is very troubling to the western mind. Indicates a mentality that can be taken over by emotions and NOT responding in a sane, rational, sound manner. MOST dangerous when enormous crowds seem to be infected and go berserk. Suggests that this is a societal problem.

Westerners gather an image of a whole society that can be provoked in an INSTANT TO EXTREME EMOTION for EVEN THE MOST INNOCUOUS AND UNINTENDED OF “PROVOCATIONS”.

Emotions that gain control and lead to unanticipated, bad, and wrong-headed consequences.

Pipes offers descriptions of the funerals of Nasser, Khomeini, and Arafat.

What chaotic, uncontrollable “events” they became.

Pipes has left out one thing that is also worth mentioning.

With the catastrophic defeat of the Arab armies in the Six Day War of 1967, Nasser, in a mea culpa demonstration, offered his resignation. “I am guilty!”, said Nasser, “I will resign!” This was not sincere. Nasser NEVER DID INTEND TO RESIGN. HIS “GESTURE” WAS ALL A FAKE!!

As part of the “gesture” several thousand paid Egyptian shills took to the streets of Cairo in an emotional demonstration “requesting” that Nasser NOT resign. This mob was joined by tens of thousands of bystanders who became infected by all the emotion, the mob eventually running amuck, several dozens being killed in the process!!

Emotion CAN and DOES cloud reason. For most everyone. But most extreme in the mind of the Muslim? Is this true?!

I ask you!




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