
This is coolbert:
The Michael Medved radio talk show has covered two topics recently that have been the subject of previous blog entries.
One topic was the purported high suicide rate among homosexuals.
This is something I have thought to be true. Homosexuals are noted for having a very high suicide rate. That one reason alone would be enough to preclude them from military service of any sort. YOU DO NOT WANT A PERSON WITH ELEVATED SUICIDAL TENDENCIES WALKING AROUND EQUIPPED AS IS THE COMMON SOLDIER, WITH AN ASSAULT RIFLE, ONE HUNDRED TWENTY ROUNDS OF AMMO AND FOUR HAND GRENADES. NOT TO MENTION BEING A MEMBER OF SAY, A NUCLEAR EQUIPPED UNIT OR SUCH SIMILAR.
Medved says that the statistics for homosexual suicide is way over-inflated. That the data was skewed and manipulated by an "activist" [homosexual?] group.
Well, that may be so. But everything I have ever read to this point seems to suggest that homosexuals DO HAVE a greater tendency to commit suicide or have suicidal thoughts. Am I wrong about this? I guess the data is not clear or is contested? Is it worth taking the risk?
Michael is also interviewing Colonel Ralph Peters about the current anti-jihadi war and the situation in Iraq.
The Colonel agrees we MUST become more independent with regard to oil and the energy supply period! Just as I do!
[it is almost as if Colonel Ralph is reading my most latest blog entries!!]
A caller to the talk show mentions synthetic oil and fuel from coal. Also the topic of another blog entry by me. Colonel Ralph says that his wife [a journalist] is "investigating" the whole topic. Colonel Ralph is obviously not up-to-date regarding the DoD sponsoring of the coal-to-oil current projects already being done. And the fueling of B-52's, right now, by synthetic fuel derived from coal. Being down, as we speak, again, RIGHT NOW!
Even the "experts" need help with stuff from time to time? Sure!
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