
This is coolbert:
"Every leader of a nation contemplating sending young men to die in battle should first visit a military morturary where bodies of soldiers that have been killed in combat are prepared for burial" - - An unnamed U.S. Marine.
Here is an extract from the Sgt. Hook web site.
Concerns the combat activities of the Basiji Corps. Iranian teenage fanatics that gave their lives in the decade [1980's] long war between Iraq and Iran.
A now well known and infamous [at least to western minds] episode of modern warfare.
Gives us an insight into the mentality of the Iranian "beast".
A topic and extract that must be read and re-read over and over.
"Let’s meet the Persians…"
"Khomeini sent Iranian children, some as young as twelve years old, to the front lines. There, they marched in formation across minefields toward the enemy, clearing a path with their bodies"
[young boys would clear a path through a minefield with their own bodies, blowing themselves up in the process!!!]
At one point, however the earthly gore became a matter of concern. . . . “we had child-volunteers: 14-, 15-, and 16-year-olds. . . . there was nothing more to be seen of them. Somewhere, widely scattered in the landscape, there lay scraps of burnt flesh and pieces of bone.” . . . “Before entering the minefields, the children [now] wrap themselves in blankets and they roll on the ground, so that their body parts stay together after the explosion of the mines and one can carry them to the graves.”
[bodies were literally being blown into bits. NOTHING left to bury but bits and pieces, if that. So to be able to bury and more or less intact body, the kids would wrap themselves in blankets and ROLL on the ground, setting off the mines, being killed, but being left INTACT!!!]
These children who rolled to their deaths were part of the Basiji . . . The Basij Mostazafan–or “mobilization of the oppressed”–was essentially a volunteer militia, most of whose members were not yet 18. They went enthusiastically, and by the thousands, to their own destruction . . . “The young men cleared the mines with their own bodies,” “It was sometimes like a race. Even without the commander’s orders, everyone wanted to be first.”
"everyone wanted to be first!!!"
"everyone wanted to be first!!!"
"everyone wanted to be first!!!"
[the Iraqi army during their decade long war with Iran is credited with having an good artillery arm [armed with the G-5 howitzer, and a good combat engineer arm. The latter is credited with a proficiency at creating vast minefields and impassable areas through flooding. It was these minefields that the Iranian had in mind when they created the Basiji Corps.]
"The sacrifice of the Basiji was ghastly. And yet, today, it is a source not of national shame, but of growing pride . . . And, last year, they formed the potent core of the political base that propelled Mahmoud Ahmadinejad–a man who reportedly served as a Basij instructor during the Iran-Iraq War–to the presidency."
"a source not of national shame, but of growing pride!!!"
"a source not of national shame, but of growing pride!!!"
"a source not of national shame, but of growing pride!!!"
"Ahmadinejad revels in his alliance with the Basiji . . . A younger generation of Iranians, whose worldviews were forged in the atrocities of the Iran-Iraq War, have come to power, wielding a more fervently ideological approach to politics than their predecessors. The children of the Revolution are now its leaders."
"Khomeini sent Iranian children, some as young as twelve years old, to the front lines."
"most of whose members were not yet 18"
"They went enthusiastically, and by the thousands, to their own destruction."
“The young men cleared the mines with their own bodies”
"Even without the commander’s orders, everyone wanted to be first.”
“It was sometimes like a race."
"There, they marched in formation across minefields toward the enemy, clearing a path with their bodies."
“Before entering the minefields, the children [now] wrap themselves in blankets and they roll on the ground, so that their body parts stay together after the explosion of the mines and one can carry them to the graves.”
"The sacrifice of the Basiji was ghastly. And yet, today, it is a source not of national shame, but of growing pride"
"The children of the Revolution are now its leaders."
[Let us get this straight. So that even the most casual of observers can understand.]
* Teenage boys, unarmed, clearing Iraqi minefields by marching into the minefields and detonating the mines, killing themselves in the process.
* Doing so willingly, with enthusiasm.]
Sgt. Hook says:
"think real hard about the seriousness of a nuclear Persia."
"Sgt Hook out."
Khomeini liked to think of himself as being the "perfect man". Evil old man. Evil old man. Rot in hell.
Visiting a military mortuary would not change the mind of Ahmadinejad. He might even revel in what he would see. I would not like to think that is so. But I feel it probably IS so!
Labels: Iran
I would like to see that regime get stepped on, even if it meant that civil war followed, and Iraq and Afghanistan were left to conduct ethnic cleansing on their own.
4:40 AM
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