DPRK & India.

This is coolbert:
Here are some interesting and relevant web sites.
This web site shows photographs of North Korea as taken by a Russian tourist.
"The author is Artemii Lebedev, one of the leading web-designers in Russia. He recently went on a trip to DPRK."
To be a tourist in North Korea is just a novelty in itself. I guess that is the sort of thing that someone would do just to say, "I have been to a place few others have been to!!" Sort of is in a category as Tibet and Mongolia once were.
[keep in the mind my paraphrase from the works of Suvorov:
"what sort of science is it that can build the an artillery piece that has the longest range in the world, but cannot build large panes of glass without having bubbles in them???"]
The T-90 tank again is the subject of this web site. It seems that the military of India is scrapping their TWENTY FIVE YEAR PROGRAM to develop an independent tank design [not totally, but for the most part]. This was to be the Arjun tank. The T-90 has been chosen as the tank of choice for the Indian military. Efforts to develop the Arjun have not been successful. The T-90, when adopted and built under contract [??] by India, will be called the Bhishma.
[the names Arjun and Bhishma are taken from the great Hindu epic, "Mahabhrata". Arjuna was the great chariot-borne warrior of the epic. The role of Bhishma is not clear to me?]
Scrapping a twenty five year program seems to indicate to me that developing your own independent and indigenously designed tank is NOT AS EASY as it might seem to most. IS NOT an easy task, even for a nation that possesses a lot of skilled engineers and scientists as does India.
"This virtually means the much-hyped indigenous Arjun MBT, not considered to be "fully combat-worthy" even after 33 years of developmental work, is only being thought of as "a technology demonstrator" by the Army as of now."
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