
This is coolbert:
Ever since the announced test of the North Korean nuke, the evening news has been playing over and over films of NKPA [North Korean Peoples Army] military displays.
Ostentatious, elaborate, and very impressive displays of weaponry and troops. Done in the Stalinist manner.
They constantly show missiles, the SA-3 mostly. The SA-3 is an anti-aircraft missile, surface-to-air [SAM] from way back when. A Soviet design either bought or copied by the North Koreans.
Another missile highlighted over and over was not known to me. I had to do some research on this one. A rather large missile, carried on a tracked vehicle.

This appears to be a NKPA version of what is called an anti-shipping missile. Called in the western military the AG-1. A liquid-propelled missile with solid-state booster.
"North Korea has not only developed the capacity to produce the HY-2 missile on its own, but has also modified the original design to achieve a longer range. In June 1994, North Korea surprised Western intelligence officials when it first tested an indigenously modified Seersucker to a range of 160 kilometers.[8] Over three years later, Western intelligence dubbed the missile the AG-1, when the system was tested again to a range of roughly 200 kilometers."
Originally was the Styx Soviet anti-shipping missile.

Then the Chinese Silkworm. An improved version of the Styx. And now the NKPA AG-1.
Apparently a much improved version from the original Styx. Is on a tracked vehicle. Self-propelled. With all sorts of improvements. Maybe it is based on what is now an ancient design. But has modified to make it much better. The NKPA HAS a very good indigenous weapons design and research apparatus. This missile seems to be another result of NKPA innovation at work.
[advanced versions of the CHINESE Silkworm have these features:
* active radar and precision radio altimeter.
* passive infrared target seeker.
* monopulse guidance radar.
* television guidance.]
If I was an American military planner, this is the missile I would be worried about. NOT the Taepong-do or the Naepong-do or whatever it is called. Don't so much worry about LONG-RANGE NKPA missiles as worry about the AG-1. This "anti-ship" missile would to me have a capability that is not limited to an "anti-ship" role. Probably has the capability to deliver a nuclear warhead on target against land based targets a lot easier and better than a long-range missile. NOT long-range, but adequate for the task.

This particular photo shows a Chinese Silkworm being prepped for firing. Note the chemical suits and masks. I bet that liquid propellent is hazardous to your lungs and skin.
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