
This is coolbert:
This as reported on the Michael Savage radio talk show
Some new policies have been put into effect at Camp X-Ray [Guantanamo Bay] to assuage the sensitivities of the inmates [unlawful enemy combatants].
* An Islamic pastry chef has been imported to create delicacies for the inmates during Ramadan. Special traditional sweet pastries that are eaten by Muslims when they break their fast.
And for newly arriving unlawful enemy combatants.
* A pristine new Koran, contained in a pristine new bag, hung from the ceiling at the highest point in the room [cell]. For the religious edification of the inmates.
[presumably a "certified" new Koran, contained in a "certified" new bag, all "certified" by an imam who has been "certified" by "certified" Islamic authorities. All done according to "certified" Islamic jurisprudence.]
NOTHING but the best for the unlawful enemy combatants.
We would not want any incidents or malicious rumors to sprout up, would we??!!
If the US military/gov't was truly cunning, they would have set up Guantanamo as part of a bait and switch operation. Get the media, the Euros, the left and other do gooders focused on this supposedly brutal camp and then keep the majority of prisoners somewhere else. There is going to be some heat on you for it, but if everybody is focused on the prison in Cuba, there won't be much attention to other potential sites to keep these captured terrorists.
Of course on a personal level the idea that we are actually even bothering to hold these savages angers me to no end. If an American gets captured, they get a bullet in the head or their throat slit, but not before torture and an internet snuff film. In my opinion, we should either court marshall these criminals in the field and then shoot them or hold them in a totally secret place incommunicado until they die if they have any intelligence value. (If we started executing these people not many Americans would complain and then only the ACLU, leftists, and the like. There are not many of them, but they are vocal).
I also recall reading somewhere that if you get caught fighting without a uniform, you can be shot on the spot. Is this true? They shot plenty of SS troops just for wearing black and SS collar tabs back in WW2.
2:48 PM
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