Tunnels & Bunkers.
This is coolbert:
The Hezbollah seem to have built, over a period of years, an extensive series of underground tunnel and bunker complexes.
And has done so right along the Lebanese/Israel border.
Allows for Hezbollah "fighters" to survive the most horrendous aerial and artillery bombardment. Then emerge to engage in battle with advancing Israeli troops.
This was the sort of thing that American forces faced when fighting the Japanese in World War Two [WW2] and the Viet Cong [VC] during the Vietnam War.
If history is any guide, such tunnel complexes will provide the Israeli Army with a dilemma it has not faced before. A highly motivated enemy that is shrewd in it's approach to facing an offensive minded, technologically superior foe [Israel]. Use tunnels to escape the massive firepower the enemy can throw at you, then emerge to fight a defensive battle, inflicting unacceptable casualties upon a foe [Israel], that CANNOT accept such casualties.
Tunnel complexes were widely used by the VC in Vietnam and proved to be a successful counter to American firepower. Such may be the case in Lebanon too.

[the two above photos should be best juxtaposed side by side for the full effect!]
Both the VC in Vietnam and the Hezbollah in Lebanon had years, even decades to create, improve, and maintain and increase the size and sophistication of their tunnel complexes.
Evidently too, the Hezbollah engineers are no amateurs either. Read about their preparations along the border between Israel and Lebanon in 2003.
"Hezbollah demolition teams building a network of fortified underground tunnels and bunkers along the border with Israel. Some of the tunnels are connected to an abandoned train tunnel, newly renovated by Hezbollah engineers with new rails and a lighting system."
"New rails - - lighting system - -"
A sophistication well thought out and prepared for well in advance.
Israel is going to have a tough time, and IS having a tough time dealing with this threat.
I must admit I am puzzled at Israel (Olmert/Peretz) calling up three reserve divisions to sit and not to use them to crush hezbollah. Air power or the special forces or an occasional foray by the regulars attempting to push Nasrallah's men beyond the Litani is not enough and will never be enough to end the attacks.
Israel is a victim of the lesser jihad, but she has never concluded that the moslems never will let go of their stolen Eastern Roman & Persian spoils of 1400 years ago, and that they have be broken, as surely as Harrison, Scott, Sheridan, Mackenzie & Miles broke the American Indians and their pretensions.
This particular enemy, hezbollah, can be broken if its shield, moslem Lebanon, both sunni & shi'a, is dealt with mercilessly. Bring down the joke of a lebanese government, destroy moslem homes, burn moslem crops & fields, stampede moslems into Syria. Strip hezbollah of all local enablers, all local cover, all local support, then kill this irregular force of the moslem states and annex so much of former Lebanon as is useful.
But there is no prospect of that because there is no Andrew Jackson of Israel. Apparently, no one of that state's political or military leadership is implacable, relentless, & willing to conquer a peace.
12:22 AM
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