
This is coolbert:
Read here about Hezbollah rocket artillery.
This type of military exchange occurring right now between Israeli forces and the Hezbollah happened back in 1996 as well. Hezbollah fires rocket artillery type weapons at Israel and the Israeli fires back with counter-battery radar directed artillery and airstrikes.
In 1996, this was called "The Grapes of Wrath".
"When Prime Minister Shimon Peres launched Operation Grapes of Wrath, the plan was to whip Hizballah into submission by bludgeoning the landscape until Lebanon and Syria cried uncle. Israel's response against Hizballah was a high-tech blitz, targeting specific buildings and vehicles hiding the enemy, while avoiding civilian casualties."
"The 1996 Grapes of Wrath ceasefire accord stated that Hizballah and Israeli troops must not attack civilian targets or use civilians as cover, even while assaulting each other's forces inside Lebanon."
Well, forget about 1996. This is NOW! Escalation.
Read here about Iranian rocket artillery. As I have said, the Iranians have gone for rocket artillery in a big way.
A whole lot of potent stuff. Including and allowing for a chemical capability in some instance. This would be a barrage of rockets all launched at once, saturating the target with chemicals and causing a "big hurt".
Iranian rocket artillery includes:
* Fajr-5 missile, which is launched from a mobile platform, reportedly has a range of between 60-70 kilometers.
* Fajr-3 missile 240-millimeter has a range of some 25 miles
* Shahin I is a HE rocket. [there is a Shahin II.]
* Oghab.
* Noor and Hadid 40 tube 122 mm MRL [multiple rocket launcher].
* Arash version of the 122mm Katyusha MRL.
* Haseb, an Iranian 12 tube 107 mm MRL
This is a formidable capability. Israel proper is threatened in a manner that Arab airforces and artillery WERE NOT able to threaten in the past.
There is a counter to all this rocket artillery??
Read too about the high energy laser system THEL, a cooperative venture between the U.S. and Israel. A battlefield laser designed to DEFEAT rocket artillery. The Nautilus. First developed as a counter to rocket artillery in the late 1990's, and fielded [??] in the early part of this current decade??

"THEL tests during 2000 and 2001, which focused on the threat of rockets, proved highly successful, intercepting and destroying 25 Katyusha rockets."
Lasers used in this manner have up to now been strictly within the realm of science-fiction.
Will this Nautilus work and will it be deployed and will it be successful?? Maybe it already has??
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