Old & New?

This is coolbert:
The eightieth birthday celebration of Queen Elizabeth II was recently celebrated at Buckingham Palace.
As part of the celebration there was a flyover by the Royal Air Force [RAF]. A flyover consisting of old and new aircraft.
The old aircraft were a Lancaster World War Two bomber escorted by four Spitfires.
The new aircraft were the RAF's newest addition, the EuroFighter [EF].
Called the Typhoon for export purposes.
The EuroFighter has been adopted as the standard fighter combat aircraft by the airforces of Great Britain, Germany, Italy, and Spain. Portions of the aircraft are made in each country.
Developed as a state-of-the-art combat aircraft that will be able to perform multiple tasks. Fighter superiority, fighter-bomber, reconnaissance.
And will be able to do so with proficiency for decades to come.
Analogous to the American F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.
Looks like a very classy and sophisticated fighter plane. In skilled hands will dominate the skies.
Combat aircraft of this type had an advent with the much earlier Panavia Tornado. A multi-role-combat-aircraft [MRCA]. A joint venture of England, Germany, and Italy. A European alone development involving multiple companies in multiple nations. The individual nations of Europe no longer develops on their own [with the exception of France and Sweden], their own combat aircraft. NOW a more European Community minded type of development.
Some observers have made an interesting comment regarding the EF. That it so closely resembles a MUCH EARLIER fighter design [decades earlier actually]. This one from the old Soviet Union. From the design bureau of Mikoyan-Guryevich [MIG]. This was the Ye-8.
And even a casual observer would have to agree, that YES, there is a remarkable resemblance here. What is it? The EF? A close copy with improvements, or a case of parallel development using the same rational, logical reasoning process to arrive at a similar design.

You the reader have to be the judge!!
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