This is coolbert:
Further thoughts on the combat arms TO&E elements of the M113 equipped Ghurkha brigade.
Such a brigade will consist of these combat arms elements:
1. Four mechanized infantry battalions [infantry square].
2. One fire support battalion.
3. One reconnaissance troop [company sized unit].
4. One air defense battery [company sized unit].
As of this juncture, there will be no:
Armor [tanks] organic to the brigade.
Aviation organic [attack and transport helicopters].
1. Each battalion mechanized [mech] infantry will consist of four rifle companies [infantry square] and one weapons company. [all APC equipped]
1A. Each rifle company will consist of three rifle platoons of three squads of twelve men each and one weapons platoon of three squads, two teams per platoon.
1B. Each weapons company of a mech infantry battalion will consist of three platoons of three squads each, two teams per platoon.
2. The fire support battalion will consist of: [all tracked vehicles]
2A. One battery [company size unit] of 155 mm self-propelled [SP] howitzers. This battery will consist of three platoons of two tubes each. A total of six howitzers. Primary role will be long-range fire support for the entire brigade.
2B. One battery [company sized unit] of M113 APC's configured for task tailored fire support This company will consist of three platoons of three squads, two teams per squad. Each team occupying one APC. That is a total of eighteen M113 per fire support company. Configured for anti-tank-guided missile [ATGM], 120 mm mortar, 40 mm cannon, or 106 mm recoilless rifle, at the discretion of the brigade commander.
3. The cavalry troop [company sized reconnaissance unit] will consist of: [all APC equipped]
3A. Three Scout platoons of three squads each of two teams. Each team M113 equipped. Eighteen scout teams, APC equipped, per troop.
3B. A weapons platoon of three squads each of two teams. Each team M113 equipped. Six weapons teams per troop.
4. The air defense battery [company sized unit] will consist of: [all tracked vehicles]
4A. Two platoons of three squads, two teams per squad, each team consisting of one SP AAA [anti-aircraft-artillery] track. The SP AAA may be:
The Swedish CV9040.

The Japanese Type 87.

Or the German Gepard.

Twelve SP AAA total. SP AAA will operate under the command of the brigade commander and provide support for the entire brigade.
[after the demise of the American Sgt. York gun, American military designers are apparently not interested in further work on a self-propelled anti-aircraft artillery weapons system.]
4B. Two platoons of three squads, two teams per squad, each team consisting one Stinger SAM [surface-air-missile]. Stinger platoons M113 equipped. Twelve Stinger firing units total.
I am making some assumptions here.
This TO&E is for a conventional warfare scenario. Brigade can be task tailored for other scenarios as required.
A basic infantry squad level M113 will twelve troops. A gunner, driver, and ten infantry, headed by a squad leader [E6].
NO armor [tanks] or aviation [helicopters] needed. Ghurkhas are troops that make do on their own with elan, strength, and just plain ordinary superior soldiering. Immense organic firepower built into the brigade will make up for a lack of armor and aviation.
The 106 mm recoilless rifle [RR] can be retrofitted to the APC with some sort of remote control firing system. Perhaps a SABOT type round can also be developed for the RR to go with the already fielded HEAT, anti-personnel, and spalling rounds [HESH/HEP]. Gunner of the RR will be able to aim and fire while under cover from small arms fire.
[this SABOT round will resemble the APHSFSDS [armor piercing-high speed-fin stabilized-disgarding SABOT] round currently fired by main battle tanks of all self-respecting armies. I assume such a round can and will be developed!!
Task tailoring will be done by each commander that has his own organic fire support elements. Tailored as the commander sees the mission and what he will need to accomplish the mission.
For example:
In the conventional warfare environment, against an enemy that can deploy armor in abundance, the combat commander of the Ghurkha brigade and his subordinate commanders with their own fire support elements might want a LOT of APC's equipped with anti-tank-guided missiles [ATGM].
Or if in an environment where the Ghurkha brigade faces what is essentially a light infantry type of enemy, the combat commander might want a lot of heavy mortars [120 mm] to employ as fire support.
In an unclear combat environment, fire support can be tailored by having a mixed configuration. I.E., ATGM's, 106 mm RR, 40 mm cannon, 120 mm and 81 mm mortars, at the discretion of the combat commander.
Interesting thoughts - nice to see another person who recongizes the hige potential of the M113. It's realized and used all over the world, only the US, which invented it for Christ's sake, is abandoning it.
5:45 PM
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