
This is coolbert:
Further thoughts on the APC [armored personnel carrier] M113 I find to be suitable for one of my Ghurkha brigades of the American Ghurkha Legion.
The idea would be to put such a mechanized brigade in the field as quick as possible. This could be done utilizing to the greatest extent the M113.
Such a brigade would be comprised to the greatest extent possible again, of tracked vehicles. Self-propelled mortars, artillery, command posts, IFV [infantry fighting vehicles], fire support combat vehicles of all types and sorts, would be tracked and accompany the basic M113 where ever it would go.
This is in keeping with the writings of the visionary British military historian and commentator Sir Basil Liddel Hart. Hart wanted to created totally tracked units that could go anywhere, unimpeded by terrain obstacles. Move as ships do on the seas, but in this case cross-country, where ever the battle is, not road bound.
Such a vision HAS NEVER been achieved. Attempted to various degrees, but never achieved.
[it should be noted that Basil Liddel Hart was an acolyte of J.F.C. Fuller. It may be that Fuller came up with the original concept, and Hart was responsible for popularizing the idea. I am not fully sure of this.]
It should be noted that the M113 DOES already exists in a whole lot of weapons configurations. Configurations adopted to meet the changing battlefield that existed since the end of 1945.
These various weapons configurations CAN BE TASK TAILORED for the particular combat operation at hand.
Among the weapons that can be found on the M113 are:
* The M240 machine gun [NATO 7.62]. The replacement for the M60. This weapon has been blogged about before. Is mounted on the M113 in normal use. But CAN BE dismounted and used by ground troops when necessary.

The above photo shows an apparently right mounted M60 machine gun with shield for the gunner mounted on a M113 during the Vietnam War. A M240 would be mounted the same way!! [note: the M60 in the above photo still has the integral bipod attached. For dismounting the weapon if necessary. Details count!!]
* The M2 fifty caliber [.50] machine gun. Mounted atop the APC with gun shield for the track commander [TC] to employ.

[this is an amazing photo. Shows the fifty caliber barrel with the gun shield for the TC and the slat armor. All this being used in Iraq, right now. Keep in mind the M113 is based upon a fifty year old design. A LOT OF REAL VALUE ADDED IDEAS HAVE KEPT THIS REMARKABLE VEHICLE GOING FOR A LONG TIME NOW AND INTO THE FUTURE TOO IT SEEMS!!]
* The forty millimeter cannon [40 mm]. Fires grenades automatically. These grenades are the same as used in the M203 rifle or the HueyCobra gunship. Fire either a anti-personnel round or the HEDP [high-explosive dual purpose] round. The latter is useful against light skinned armor vehicles or concrete walled buildings.

[shown in a ground mount mode with tripod. There IS a mount for the M113!!]
"The M430 HEDP 40mm grenade will pierce armor up to 2 inches thick, and will produce fragments to kill personnel within 5 meters and wound personnel within 15 meters of the point of impact."
* The TOW anti-tank-guide-missile [ATGM]. The original concept was to mount this weapons in an ungainly manner. Sticking out of the top of the track with the gunner exposed. This was NOT a good way to do things. Too much exposure to counter-fire from the enemy.

Another TOW version does exist. Much better. Allows for the gunner to have cover and fire and direct the missile with protection. I am assuming the launcher can be retracted for movement and reloading? Still looks ungainly. I wonder how stable this vehicle is. Maybe it is too top-heavy?

* Mortars. Mounted inside the APC. Allow for a lot of ammo to be carried. Can displace and move quickly if enemy counter-mortar counter battery fire is too intense.

Mortar calibers are 81 mm, 106 mm, and 120 mm.
The idea for a Ghurkha brigade equipped with the M113 would be to have a capability to rapidly configure and reconfigure the track weaponry for whatever the mission called for. If in conventional warfare environment, the APC would require a lot of TOW missile and mortar capability. If in a counter-guerilla environment, the APC would require a lot of 40 mm cannon and machine guns of various calibers. Etc. Task tailoring.
It might also be possible to incorporate other weapons systems into the mix as well. What about 7.62 mm or 20 mm mini-guns? What about the 106 mm recoilless rifle being mounted on the track in some manner? What about the various upgrades to the track using the newer types of Remote Weapons Systems [RWS]??
[apparently the 20 mm Vulcan cannon was mounted on APC's in Vietnam for a ground support role. This M113 with cannon was later used an air defense weapon. The expenditure of ammo was too great for it to be that useful. At least at the time.]

[the whole idea of using a 106 mm recoilless rifle would be to employ the spalling round to defeat the thick stone and cinderblock wall construction found in third world cities where urban warfare with jihadi may be encountered!!]
[RWS systems are currently being used on the Stryker vehicle. Allow the gunner to operate an integral weapon from INSIDE the vehicle without exposing the gunner to enemy counter-fire.]
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