Thoughts on the military and military activities of a diverse nature. Free-ranging and eclectic.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Iraq Update II.

This is coolbert:

National Public Radio [NPR] has another program this morning concerning Iraq.

This particular program deals with the current military situation in the southern provinces of the country. That area of Iraq around Basra that has been from the start the responsibility of the English.

And the announced plan by Tony Blair to gradually withdraw British troops from Iraq. About 5,000 to 7,000 Britishers till remain in Iraq. Their presence going to be slowly phased out.

For a long time, the southern part of Iraq was considered to be a SUCCESS story for coalition forces. Peaceful as compared to Baghdad and the “Sunni Triangle”. The English troops just seemed to do so much remarkably BETTER than American forces.

A lot of persons said that this was due to the Britishers just having a superior way of dealing with the locals. NOT “cowboys” as are the Americans.

[the word “cowboy” is a derogatory term among Europeans. Used to derisively refer to Americans!!]

The English, from their long colonial history and a whole lot of counter-insurgency experience, are said to be just more suited and adept in these type of situations.

The peaceful “southern provinces” are NOW a thing of the past??!!

The situation in and around Basra has deteriorated in a marked manner. Ever since the elections which brought Islamicist parties into power.

British forces come under continuous harrassing fire from machine gun, RPG [rocket propelled grenade], and mortar.

The British military command now divides Basra into three sections. One area is green - - British soldiers are still received warmly, a second is yellow [?] - - a cool reception but not necessarily hostile, and a third red [?] - - beware, enter at your own risk - - here be hostiles!!

Troops are now ferried in and out of the British compounds by helicopter, AND THEN ONLY DURING TIMES OF DARKNESS. Otherwise, it is considered to be too dangerous for troop movement!!

A precipitous withdrawal of British troops WOULD pose a grave danger to American forces remaining in Iraq.

It seems the main supply route [MSR] for American forces in Iraq runs north from Kuwait, THROUGH THE BRITISH ZONE, TOWARD BAGHDAD.

If this MSR was cut or disrupted as a result of a security vacuum occurring from a British departure, it would be obligatory for the American command to redeploy combat units in a security role. This would obviously NEGATE any effect of the “troop surge” plan of General Petraeus.





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