
This is coolbert:
"And the Beat Goes On" - - Sonny and Cher.
Listen to this program, broadcast only today, on National Public Radio [NPR]. Describes one recent incident in the ongoing war being waged on the island/nation of Sri Lanka [Ceylon/Resplendent Isle].
"A Priest's Death in Sri Lanka"
A "conflict", war actually, that has been "continuing" for TWENTY YEARS now.
Between the military of the central government in Colombo and the breakaway, secessionist movement of the Tamil Tigers. The latter being the EELAM group of fighters.
The recent execution of a Tamil Hindu priest is the main topic of the program. Executed by "someone". An execution carried out for the perceived crime of collaboration. A Tamil Hindu collaborating with the central government in Colombo. OR SO PERCEIVED!!
"Execution is the killing of a foreign spy, of an agent of the dictatorship, of a police torturer, of a dictatorial personality in the government involved in crimes and persecutions against patriots, of a stool pigeon, informer, police agent or police provocateur." - - Marighella. The "crime" of the priest did NOT fall into any of these categories.
As I have said, this particular war has been raging for twenty years or so now. ON and OFF. A war that DOES have an ethnic and religious basis to it.
Tamil speaking Hindus on the side of EELAM, Sinhalese Buddhists [government forces] on the other side.
The Tamil Tigers waging a classical insurgent/partisan/guerrilla/terrorist campaign.
The central government forces waging a classical counter-insurgency.
A war fought with great brutality by both sides. The "fighters" of EELAM carry CYANIDE CAPSULES AROUND THEIR NECKS. To commit suicide if capture is imminent.
[EELAM fighters are determined, that is for sure!!]
NO REAL military solution seems to exist for either side. Government forces cannot prevail. EVEN WHEN AIDED BY THE INDIAN ARMY, BATTLEFIELD VICTORY HAS NOT TRANSPIRED. In some instances, entire battalions of the Sri Lanka military have been overrun and routed, fleeing the battlefield en masse'. NOR are the Tigers able to prevail either. Cannot achieve outright victory and independence OR bring about fruitful negotiations leading to an equitable settlement of grievances.
In the book, "By Way of Deception", the renegade Israeli Mossad katsa Victor Ostrovsky makes the startling claim that Israeli arms, trains, and advises BOTH sides in the conflict.
It is also alleged that the Israeli tested their nuclear equipped long-range submarine launched missile from off the coast of Sri Lanka. This was the Dolphin class submarine fitted with special torpedo tubes for launching a modified Russian SS-21-N cruise missile.
[Ostrovsky refers to the Sri Lankans as "smurfs". Little players on the world stage. Little players that sometimes can get involved in a big way.]
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