
This is coolbert:
Here is the “cookbook” "Mini-manual for the Urban Guerrilla". Written in the late 1960’s by the Brazilian communist insurrectionist/theoretician Carlos Marighella .
This mini-manual was OBLIGATORY reading for all aspiring communist guerrillas/insurgents/terrorists/partisans who desired to wage communist inspired guerrilla warfare, but in the URBAN setting.
Carlos Marighella realized that the Maoist/Vietnamese/Che Guevera type of communist guerrilla warfare WAS NOT going to work in a country such as Brazil. The small bands of Che-like Cuban style communist guerrillas, roving the countryside at will was JUST NOT applicable to the Brazilian environment.
Another approach had to be taken.
The alternative method as espoused by Marighella was the urban guerrilla.
Small bands [maybe a half-dozen guerrillas at most per band] of insurrectionists, operating independently of one another, waging war against the government forces, but DOING SO IN THE URBAN ENVIRONMENT, NOT IN THE JUNGLE!!
[I think most counter-insurgency experts would concede that the URBAN ENVIRONMENT presents unique challenges for counter-insurgency forces. The three-dimensional aspect of the “terrain” has to be properly appreciated. Urban skyscrapers and subterranean areas such as subways, sewers, tunnels, etc. offer hiding places for the urban guerrilla not found in the jungle!! The expression “trying to find the needle in the haystack” is especially relevant here!!]
These small bands of urban guerrillas would inspire, according to Marighella, an eventual uprising of the “oppressed masses”. An uprising in response to the draconian and repressive measures adopted by the government forces to combat the urban guerrillas. SMALL GROUPS OF DEDICATED URBAN FIGHTERS COULD CREATE CHAOS AND DISRUPTION ON A MONUMENTAL SCALE!!
The urban guerrillas of Brazil and of Uruguay [Tupamaros] did NOT succeed in their goal. The mass uprising as envisioned by Margheilla did not transpire. The urban guerrilla did pose a particular problem for the governments of Brazil and Uruguay to combat. That those governments were successful in defeating the guerrillas was due in large part to repressive measures, WHICH INCLUDED THE HOSTILE INTERROGATION!!
[“hostile interrogation” DOES NOT necessarily include torture as the word is ordinarily and commonly understood to mean!!]
From all I read, it would seem that the playbook of Marighella has been thoroughly read and adopted as the WAY-TO-GO for the jihadi currently at war with the Thai government in Kra. Cook-book style fashion guerrilla warfare. NOT necessarily urban, but small groups [no more than a half-dozen insurgents per group], acting independently [??] to wreak havoc and force the Thai government to eventually withdraw from their southernmost provinces! Assassination, bank robbing, kidnapping, bombing, arson, etc. All from the mini-manual of Marighella. A manual whose precepts are not confined to the communist insurgent alone. Useful for the jihadi too!!
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