
This is coolbert:
From a recent blog entry of mine.
"The German SS reputedly used poison gas during the suppression of the Warsaw Jewish ghetto. Jewish ZOB fighters that had taken refuge in the sewers under the ghetto were gassed and killed."
In his book, "Exodus", Leon Uris categorically states that the Germans DID use poison gas on the ZOB Jewish fighters of the Warsaw Ghetto."
The suppression of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising was conducted with an extreme of brutality and callousness by German SS troops. This is undeniable.
SS General Jurgen Stroop was determined to eradicate the ZOB and any vestige of Jewish life from the ghetto. Went about his task with vigor. Even did use poison gas?? Stroop for his role as commander of the SS troops was executed in 1952.

"'Mopping up'
After the significant fighting ended, the hidden bunkers were the main arena of resistance. In this fight, the Germans used smoke grenades and tear gas or poison gas."
This is the ONLY instance of German use of poison gas in a combat operation during World War Two [WW2]???!!!
[I think it has been established that during WW2, the Japanese did use, on a pretty widespread basis, poison gases on Chinese Communist guerrillas of the Maoist persuasion!!]
The allies and the Axis forces both possessed all throughout the war the whole range of chemical weapons. Choking, blister, blood, riot, and in the case of the German, nerve gas. But never was used. I guess the consensus opinion was that the use of poison gases and the advantages gained was far outweighed by all the negatives that would result!! The German had a decided advantage in that they DID HAVE nerve gas, a poison for which allied gas mask filters would not work. The German was deterred from using nerve gas as they thought the allies also had the same.
[at the very end of the war, Speer CONTEMPLATED introducing nerve gas into the Fuhrer bunker and kill all inside. BUT ONLY CONTEMPLATED AND DID NOT DO!!]
From the same wiki article on the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising:
"Borat decried they should fight. With his noble cry of 'My name a Borat he ran into the SS camp and killed three Germans with his bare hands. this was the start of the resistance. Mel Gibson though would not let them pass singlehandedly stopping the resistance. Kramer came to to assist. Anne frank died shortly after. Everything after these sentences is a lie. LONG LIVE THE BORAT PARTY!!!!"
Some very foolish and infantile person has edited the wiki and done so in a "humorous" manner. Goofy and childish is what it is. Well, the internet, the WWW, the Wiki concept, all can be done for good or bad!! Take your pick. Almost always for good, in this case for bad. Shame!!
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