Thoughts on the military and military activities of a diverse nature. Free-ranging and eclectic.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


This is coolbert:

"Give us this day, our daily Ghurkha!"

Again, the subject of the draft.

"How on earth would you select the best during a draft? The smartest inductees at least will be most successful in escaping service. Watch as young people start dropping out of high school rather than get high grades and be drafted, or cram themselves with Doritos to be fat and not be drafted (heck, it happens already and there's no draft)."

First off, I am no fan of resuming the military draft. Let me make that clear. It is ALWAYS preferable to have folks who volunteer and are WILLING to be part of the military than draft people to flesh out units. People WILLING to do something are ALWAYS to be preferred than people BEING FORCED to do something.

And yet, from time to time, you do hear it mentioned that if a second conflict involving the U.S. was to break out somewhere in the world, our military, the American armed forces, WOULD be hard pressed to respond in a suitable manner. NOT enough boots around to do the job as it should be done. Remember, we not only want to fight, but win. Merely getting involved in another conflict, as bad as that would be, is NOT desired. If we are forced to fight "on another front", such as Korea, at this time, bogged down in Iraq as we are, DOES ANYONE feel we have enough people at the ready?

I see possible solutions to this problem. ONE is to resume the draft. Flesh out those two Army training divisions,, the 88th and 85th, both already existing, with about 10,000 young draftees each. Bring those units to active duty and strength, with readiness, rapidly achieved by selecting ONLY the best draftees. For units of the best specimens, physically and mentally.

Those divisions, activated, could be on stand-by status for deployment to an additional overseas assignment IF NEEDED.

HOW to do is not going to be easy.

Surely there must be some incentives that may even "entice" certain folks to submit willingly to a draft. Paid full tuition with guaranteed acceptance at the BEST colleges and universities in the nation at the end of a two year tour??

But, NO wholesale draft of numbers in excess of the few tens of thousands. Fairness where EVERYONE would have to submit to the draft would not even be an issue in my mind. Use some means to screen out the mental dullards and physically incompetent [physically from a fitness standpoint of ability to run, jump, throw, etc. Jock or jock wannabee types are what you would want!!]

Can anyone suggest other incentives??

Else, "give us this day our daily Ghurkha". See my blog entry of 10/13/2005 concerning this matter. Three brigades of Ghurkhas, one each of airmobile, mechanized infantry, and light infantry added to American forces should do the trick. Adequate units for almost any contingency. An American Ghurkha Legion. The British to this day still recruit yearly about 200 Ghurkhas for their remaining Ghurkha unit. AND HAVE TWENTY THOUSAND APPLICANTS AT A TIME TO SELECT FROM!! SO WHY NOT THE U.S. TOO!!

Of course, when I say this stuff, I realized that all this is pie in the proverbial sky. But, if done, would be infinitely better that what existed in the 1950's and 1960's.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

When you need considerable numbers of those for whom the priority is to get into the military, and who are above average in conceptual ability and physical fitness, the one group which ought not to receive discouragement is the white youth.
Already two wars are going on, and indications of the imminence of a third.
For this reason I say it is a treacherous threat to national security to play with affirmative action for disadvantaged minorities for promotions in officer ranks.
The military can no longer be used as an alternative welfare project.
The DOD directive requiring special permission for promotion of all 'white men without disabilities' must be suspended.
Once you do this, the recruitment and retention will soar, in the IQ and fitness levels which are wanted.
They will not have to put the national guard in the place of the conveniently unavailable minorities.
The quotas against the white men's promotions are the major disincentive, the removal of which, would be more powerful than any conceivable incentive, for the categories of recruits specified above.

12:37 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Albert: "Can anyone suggest other incentives??"

Yes. Capitalism is a moral rational system in which free men trade in values, & neither ask, give nor take sacrifices. It is a system which opposes collectivism (a draft/press-ganging/shanghaiing being example & subsets) & puts the individual first, foremost & always above any group.

In short, you appeal to men's reason. You explain why your cause is just. If your listeners disagree, they'll bear the consequences & you will move on, as fast as your legs will take you.

Assume the advocate's reasoning is sound & he's a competent communicator. Everyone will not reject him. Men will respond, will rally, but they will want to eat, make love, have a family, have their families feel confident, whatever, prosper the now & the time to come. So another issue arises: what's your cause worth to you?

According to, an E-1 with under 4 months of service makes $1178.10 & with under 2 years makes 1273.50, inflated & before taxes.

According to an article in, "Food Stamps are not the Answer", E-4's & E-5's complain of real hardship in making ends meet.

According to this quote of an article of the Association of the United States Army, "Decaying Military Infrastructure: Putting U.S. Army Readiness at Risk": The armed forces’ crumbling infrastructure--from barracks to houses, offices, roads, utility systems (water, sewer, gas, electric), training ranges, etc.--is a serious readiness issue that is only worsening with time. Years of underfunding the infrastructure--the power-projection platforms--supporting our armed forces have taken their toll. The Army has had to sacrifice the investment needed to maintain and modernize its infrastructure to sustain commitments elsewhere in the world and to maintain warfighting readiness.

What's your cause worth? What's risking their lives worth?

If Katie Couric can negotiate her work conditions & pay & benefits package to $15,000,000 for reading the news, why can't (would-be) enlisted men negotiate theirs?

9:11 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course they can and are raising the pay through bonuses and incentives for retention and enlistment.
At the relevant level of service academies, they pay $40,000 above the provided support; while college students the same age are borrowing a similar sum per year.
The differential between the two cases being high as all that, the remaining problem has to be the retardation of promotion prospects in officer ranks for the majority portion of the recruitables.
Remember, not everyone jumps at cash for a car loan; but the better sort consider whether they have a future in career terms.
What rank they retire at determines what their pension will be, and the cheapening of the estimability of rank by the use of quotas for the disadvantaged, affects their post-military career possibilities.
The shabby condition of bases which are used as alternative welfare institutions, is not a security threat, but spending the money to make them too attractive to the wrong people might be.
Stop using the military as the 'employer of last resort', to use the phrase of the 'peace dividend' years.
CUNY raised standards and has gone from very low to much higher desirability.
It is a grievous national security dereliction not to do the same with the military, raising pay as needed, but mainly by extirpating the racial-ethnic and gender quota system for promotions in officer ranks.

3:35 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"mainly by extirpating the racial-ethnic and gender quota system for promotions in officer ranks"

What evidence do you have that black people are screwing up the Army? I know all the business about test scores etc, but I would think the feminization of the Army discourages warrior types much more than having to deal with black people. Besides, do you really want a soldier with an IQ of 130? Smart guys always have their own ideas...

I also suspect that any test that's reasonably easy to fail (a test that selects out the elite must fail most people by definition) would have a lot of failures.

"why can't (would-be) enlisted men negotiate theirs?"
Because it would cost too damn much. If you wanted to raise an army of 10 million men and pay them $50K (a cop's salary in some big cities), it would cost you 500 trillion dollars. And forget about pensions and benefits.

We're not going to have an elite draft (a la Joe Haldeman), we're going to have a garden-variety draft with young men chopping their fingers off, inhaling sawdust, and running to Mexico to avoid service. I assure you if only jocks make the cut sports will plunge in popularity. Remember all the crazy things they did in Vietnam?
Oh, and possibly parts of the Northeast trying to secede.
Just watch as the governor of Vermont declares that Vermont law enforcement will not cooperate with the SSS and guys from all over the country go hiding in the mountains. What a mess.

10:10 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Strong indications of the negative effect from affirmative action in the military are:
1-the use of national guards in large numbers several years into the two wars
2-the discussion of conscription in the context of recruitment and retention difficulties in spite of extraordinary incentives
3-the use of mercenaries, as if large parts of the miltary simply could not be mobilized or trusted in danger zones
4-DOD policy statements such as this reported in the WSJ 12-6-95:
"special permission will be required for the promotion of all white men without disabilities"
5-randomization of the information provided by the merit system, caused by the need to meet quotas
and a lot more could be mentioned, all of it disturbing...

1:57 AM


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