Abu Jandal.

This is coolbert:
Very interesting interview this evening on the TV show "Sixty Minutes" . The man who purportedly was the bodyguard for Osama is being interviewed. Served as the main bodyguard in the days prior to 9/11.
This is Abu Jandal.
A man who is cool, candid, and open about the jihad and his relationship to Osama.
This man is speaking about Osama, Al Qaeda, and doing so in relative luxury. Seems to have made a deal with the government of Yemen not to incite rebellion in return for his freedom [did spend two years in a Yemeni jail].
[some of the informed among you will remember that by ancestry, Osama is a Yemeni.]
This man makes some pronouncements about Osama.
* Osama prefers death by his own bodyguards to being captured. If capture is imminent, the head bodyguard is to kill Osama.
* Osama is hiding in Afghanistan, not Pakistan. The bodyguard says that the Pakistani tribesmen allegedly sheltering Osama are trustworthy, but will also sell you out for a pittance at the same time.
* That Osama does NOT suffer from kidney failure and does not need dialysis. The bodyguard says that the only physical ailment Osama suffers from is a vocal cord problem caused by some sort of rocket delivered gas used by the Soviets in Afghanistan.
* That Osama can subsist on bread and water or just dates for a long period of time. Leads almost a monkish existence. Has PREPARED himself for this life for a long time in advance!!
[in this regard he resembles the mad-bomber Eric Robert Rudolph. The American "terrorist" who was able to survive twenty to thirty days without eating, and could subsist when he did eat on green beans, sardines, and oatmeal!!]
Most surprisingly of all, the American interviewer, Bob Simon, asks the "former" bodyguard if Osama is planning new attacks on America. And the bodyguard says of course Osama is. According to the bodyguard, when Osama says something, he means it!!
[Osama offered a truce some time ago to America. The alternative, according to Osama, was continued attack by Al Qaeda.]
It is that last part that most amazes me. That Bob Simon asks IF Osama is planning new attacks. What the hell???!!! Do people yet not get it??!! I guess not!! People in the U.S. had just better get it through their heads we are in war that will go on for a century at least, if the U.S. lasts that long, with the Islamic fundamentalists. A war to the death. Even if Al Qaeda was to disappear tomorrow, and it will not, something else, another fundamentalist entity, will appear from no where to replace it. And continue the jihad.
Americans do find this hard to accept. Well, they better had accept the facts, and right now too.
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