This is coolbert:
World War Three III.
Of course, we must not think that WW3 was merely a confrontational war. WW3 did involve a whole host of shooting wars.
Let me digress for a moment and mention that U.S. policy during WW3 was CONTAINMENT. Acceptance of the Soviet existing position in the world coupled with a determination to resist further Soviet expansion where ever it would be attempted. Soviet aims during WW3 was expansion by means of subversion, guerilla warfare, and confrontation where possible, avoiding overt conflict with the U.S. all the while attempting to place the U.S. in a DISADVANTAGEOUS position worldwide. A position that would lead to U.S. downfall.
There WERE VERY FEW instances where Soviet and American militaries actually shot at one another. This DID happen in the air over North Korea. Soviet pilots flying MIG-15 engaging Americans flying F-86 Sabrejets.
But this type of thing was very rare. Too much danger for escalation.
By the use of proxies, the Soviets and the Americans to a much lesser extent, could wage a shooting war against one another. This DID happen on many occasions.
The Soviets used proxies in Korea and in Vietnam to fight American forces in large scale wars. The former was a draw for the Soviets, the latter was a win.
[please note: in a previous blog, I have said that it would be MORE PROPER to think of the wars called Korea and Vietnam as BATTLES. ONE OF MANY BATTLES BEING FOUGHT ALL OVER THE WORLD TO RESTRAIN THE FORCES OF WORLD COMMUNISM. Communism was seen as an all-encompassing MOLOCH [a god of Biblical times that consumed human flesh!!] that would devour all of humanity if it had the chance.]
Both sides used insurrectionists to wage guerilla warfare.
Surprisingly, contrary to publicly held opinion, the western world, led by the U.S., was successful a number of times in defeating Soviet inspired insurrection.
This was true in the counter-insurgency efforts in Malaya, the Philippines, and in Greece [see the move Eleni with John Malkovich dealing with the Greek insurgency.] "Free-world forces" defeated the Soviet inspired guerillas.
Soviet inspired and supported forces DID enjoy some guerilla warfare successes in Cuba, Rhodesia, Angola, and Nicaragua.
U.S. guerilla warfare efforts more or less went for naught. Attempts to foment rebellion in Albania and the Ukraine were totally unsuccessful. More successful were the guerilla warfare insurrections in Nicaragua, and Afghanistan. A very limited effort to train and infiltrate guerilla fighters into Tibet in the early 1960's must also be considered a loss.
The role of Soviet proxies fighting American proxies can also not be neglected.
Israel and it's many wars with Arab neighbors falls into this category.
Israel through default became an American proxy. The various Arab nations in conflict with Israel saw the Soviets as their savior. The Soviet supplying arms and military advice that was sorely needed by the Arabs. The Soviet saw their aid to the Arabs as a means for depriving the WESTERN WORLD with the source of Middle East oil it so badly needed and needs to this day. Aiding the Arabs against the Israeli was seen as part of Soviet machinations in that part of the world.
Cubans military men around the world were also a part of the proxy fighting proxy concept.
Cuban fighters WERE found all over the world. Southern Africa, Ethiopia, Syria, Afghanistan. What is called a "lap dog" or a "cat's paw". Doing dirty work the Soviet was not willing to do. Fight wars for the Soviets, again, as part of Soviet machinations. The Cuban army can be considered to have been merely an adjunct to the Soviet Army. NOTHING more than that!!
Cubans did fight it out with troops of South Africa [SADF] on a number of occasions. This too was part of the Soviet plan that called for the great mineral wealth of South Africa to come under the control of the Soviets. Place the WESTERN WORLD at a great disadvantage.
[Proxies were to fight for the Soviets in the Middle East and in southern Africa as part of an overall plan. This was supposed to be, according to the Soviet defector Sakharov, all part of the "smash the locomotive theory". By that is meant that to destroy the locomotive [the economy] of the WESTERN WORLD, you needed to either deprive the west of either the fuel [oil], or the minerals needed to build the locomotive in the first place. Either would suffice to destroy or greatly cripple the west and put the U.S. in a very disadvantageous position.]
[it is interesting that during the various Israeli-Arab wars and the occurrences when the Cubans and South Africans did fight it out, the communist side or communist backed side did NOT fare too well. Demonstrated an ineptness that was striking on a number of times!!]
With regard to the shooting part of WW3, my opinion is that both sides had successes and failures. None of this became conclusive.
The shooting war[s] were NOT the decisive factor in WW3.
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