WW3 I.

This is coolbert:
World War Three I.
Colonel Craig [USMCR] has stated that we are now engaged in World War Four [WW4].
With this I have concurred.
For one to accept that we are in WW4, one therefore has to accept that World War Three [WW3] has already been fought.
With this I would too concur.
World War Three [WW3].
A war fought between the old Soviet Union and the United States.
A war that lasted for about forty five years [1945-1990], and ended only with the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the smashing down of the Berlin Wall, and the freedom of various peoples, such as the Baltics, from communist domination.
A war from which the United States emerged the victor. A victor that dominates the world right now as does no other world power perhaps since the time of ancient Rome [??!!].
A war which atomic weaponry precluded an ACTUAL armed conflict between the two super-powers. A war which nonetheless existed, sometimes COLD, sometimes HOT [when proxies fought the United States in lieu of the Soviet Union]!!
When we think of war here, perhaps better to think of the word CONFLICT!! Think too of the polar opposite war peace sliding scale continuum I have spoken about in many other blog entries. The sliding scale in this "conflict" was always slid toward the WAR side of the scale, sometimes markedly so. WAR in the case of the two super-powers would have meant global thermonuclear war. This was not to be. BUT, nonetheless, I think that the "conflict" that lasted for forty five years cannot and should not be thought of as being less than WAR!!
[persons in the U.S. like to think of WAR as only being declared conflict of the conventional shooting type as were World War One and Two. This could not be the case in WW3. Nuclear weapons precluded such a type of war as what preceded. But there was very extreme hostility and a perception that one or the other would eventually emerge victorious. So is my perception!!]
[some personal thoughts on WW3 here]:
1. I like to think of this forty five year war as somewhat analogous to the twenty five year war in ancient times between Sparta and Athens. A war that resulted in the defeat of Athens. A war that occurred twenty three hundred [2300] years ago or so!!
Sparta [Soviet Union]. Militaristic, authoritarian, brutal, closed.
Athens [United States]. Democratic, open, prosperous.
In the case of WW3, light triumphed over dark. And for the good of the whole world too!!
[Indeed!! I would suggest that both sides DID look at one another and DID see the reverse image of the other. They did not see what they liked and DID see themselves as being in mortal conflict with one another!!]
2. I also find it interesting that during this forty five year war the persons of this world who call themselves intellectuals seemed to be so taken in by the communists.
Seemed to accept hook, line, and sinker communist propaganda in a very big way. Persons who are obviously of very high mental caliber [??], describing themselves as being open communists, a lot of them closet communists, and other persons of pink persuasion, all advocating the communist system or something close to it as being a solution to the worlds' problems.
Even when the worst excesses of the Stalinist regime in the Soviet Union were made apparent, these folks continued to PARROT a communist line, or at least one that while not being too favorable for the Soviet Union, was at least anti-American.
Why these intellectuals [??] could have been so wrong is just beyond me!!??
3. The cult of personality. Something that seems to crop up all over the communist world. The cult of Lenin and Stalin [Soviet Union]. The cult of Mao [Red China]. The cult of Kim [North Korea]. The cult of Ho [Vietnam]. The cult of Ceacuescu [Romania]. The cult of Hoxha [Albania] even. The cult of personality was hero worship that DID reach the aspects of divinity worship. I am sure Marx would not even have understood such a phenomenon!! Carried to the most outrageous extremes in the embalming and entombment of various communist figures in edifices of sometimes gargantuan proportions??!!
And this for men that were dictators, brutal and sadistic in many cases, killers of extraordinary proportions, even for the communist world!!
[please think here of the burial of U.S. Presidents. With perhaps the exceptions of monuments and burial sites such as for Lincoln and Grant, most American Presidents, to include such figures as Washington, are buried in rather inauspicious circumstances, WITHOUT grandiose monuments or edifices erected in their honor!!]
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