This is coolbert: Miscellany:
I see that some folks trapped in New Orleans by the flood, are REFUSING rescue or aid of any sort. They just want to stay, "hell or HIGH WATER", as they say. What is one to make of this?? This is another problem that Homeland Security will have to take into consideration when formulating plans for evacuating a major U.S. city in case of a nuclear detonation! The stranded who refuse to leave the disaster area are being told to leave, or they will be refused any further requests for assistance. It will be up to them from that point on!!
It should be abundantly clear that in case of further natural or man-made disasters [atomic detonation!!] of a magnitude similar to that of which occurred in New Orleans, folks in the disaster area will HAVE TO fend for themselves for a period of time before help arrives.
People all throughout the country must make preparations, NOT really extensive, but they must make them, and NOW!!
Each and every person and family needs to prepare a survival kit that will last them a MINIMUM of a week, perhaps for longer!
Such a kit would include bottled water, and canned food that can be eaten OUT OF THE CAN, no heating or cooking required!!
The infamous bomber/fanatic/survivalist Eric Robert Rudolph was reputed to survive on a diet of oatmeal, green beans, and sardines for an extended period. This is the type of stuff I am thinking of as food to stockpile. Perhaps dried cereal that can be eaten right out of the box can be substituted for the oatmeal!!??
Homeland Security should compile a list of additional items that household should have on hand and IN ONE SPOT for IMMEDIATE USAGE, such as flashlights, FRESH batteries, transistor radios [keeping in mind that such radios may well be destroyed by the EMP that will accompany a nuclear blast] with FRESH batteries, important papers [ID, deeds, insurance policies, etc.].
HOW folks MUST make preparations can be disseminated through a wide variety of media. In the aftermath of Katrina, and the devastation wrought by the storm, this MUST be done, and NOW!
Another absurdity from New Orleans.
It seems people are loathe to leave the disaster area UNLESS their pets can be brought with them. At first, people being bussed away from the disaster zone were NOT allowed to bring their dogs with them. When word of this policy spread, folks WERE NOT leaving the disaster area for fear of having to leave their pet behind!
This is just a perfect example of why Americans are not felt to work well in disaster relief operations all over the world. Americans are just felt TO BE TOO SENTIMENTAL. DO NOT SPEND RESOURCES WHERE THEY CAN DO THE GREATEST GOOD FOR THE MOST!!
I see that the "eminent" Senator from Illinois Barack Obama has made some insightful comments about the disaster in New Orleans.

Barack has said, "if this is how our government deals with a natural disaster, how will it be able to cope with a man-made disaster, such as a radiological weapon being detonated??!!'
Well, BINGO Senator!! Congratulations!! Maybe you have a brain upstairs after all. YOU DID edit the Harvard Law Review, did you not?? It seems the junior Senator from Illinois IS thinking in a clear and logical manner.
YES, what does this say about our nations ability to handle with the detonation of a radiological weapon by Al Qaeda in a major U.S. city?? The response of the government agencies at all levels HAS been chaotic to the flood in New Orleans. And a nuclear DETONATION would pose an even worse threat than would a radiological [dirty bomb] explosion. It would seem that even the most casual of observers would easily conclude that the governments ability to deal with such an atomic event would be NOT GOOD!!
[and this with four YEARS to prepare [since 9/11] too!!]
[Senator Obama just returned from a trip to the old Soviet Union, accompanying Senator Lugar. It appears both these Senators have reviewed measures the various nations of the region are using to safeguard weapons of mass destruction [WMD] storage sites. Presumably, as part of this duties, Obama HAS been briefed and IS congnizant of the danger to American cities that such WMD pose.]
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