Foolishness I.

This is coolbert:
The U.S. Army secret unit "Able Danger" has been in the news recently. Very much so. A source from within the secret unit has revealed that "Able Danger" by using data mining, was able to identify two of the Al Qaeda secret suicide cells that perpetrated 9/11. Was able to identify Mohammad Atta as an Al Qaeda operative. Attempted to pass this information to the FBI for action. But nothing transpired.
What is most interesting here is the entire concept of data mining.
"A class of database applications that look for hidden patterns in a group of data that can be used to predict future behavior. For example, data mining software can help retail companies find customers with common interests. The term is commonly misused to describe software that presents data in new ways. True data mining software doesn't just change the presentation, but actually discovers previously unknown relationships among the data.
Data mining is popular in the science and mathematical fields but also is utilized increasingly by marketers trying to distill useful consumer data from Web sites."
A variety of computer data bases are accessed, computer algorithms and criteria applied, and terrorists can be identified. This stuff, esoteric, does work. Seemingly, amazingly so! The data bases being accessed, the algorithms and criteria being used are of course secret. It seems that data mining is a very valuable weapon in the war against terrorism. Perhaps FAR more valuable than anyone other than the initiated realize!!
In the aftermath of 9/11, data mining WAS seen as a valuable intelligence asset.
The government DID attempt to put into operation a program of data mining that was called Total Information Awareness [TIA].

Perhaps the foremost proponent of data mining was Admiral Poindexter. An alleged conspirator from the IranGate "scandal" A man who WAS convicted of perjury before Congress [this conviction was later overturned!].
Admiral Poindexter is undoubtedly a man of high intellect. A Navy admiral. A man with a PhD in physics [his mentor and PhD advisor was the twice winner of the Nobel prize in physics Richard Feynman!!]. A man who operates a level few can aspire to. A man YOU WANT on your side in the war against terrorism.
According to Admiral Poindexter, who was appointed to head the TIA data mining project, data mining IS a valuable intelligence source in the war against terrorism.
How much so??!!
Consider this statement of the Admiral:
"A virtual [created in a computer, does not exist in actuality, is real only in the computer] city of 1 million persons was created. Into this 1 million persons was placed twenty five [25] terrorists. A variety of data bases [all virtual of course] was also created for the 1 million inhabitants of the city, to include of course the terrorists. A computer program went through the data bases, using secret algorithms and criteria, and WAS ABLE to identify the twenty five terrorists from among the 1 million persons!!"
This is phenomenal.
Having such a data mining system at the disposal of our government COULD VERY WELL BE a war winning measure in the anti-terrorist war.
However, this all seems to have come to naught! And for outrageous reasons.
One reason is that Admiral Poindexter was felt to be too controversial to head the TIA program. He left bad vibes with some folks, and heedless of his credentials, it was felt the Admiral had to go.
Secondly, the TIA program was assailed by "privacy rights" advocates who considered the entire program to be unworthy. You MIGHT step on someone's toes [WITHOUT THEM EVEN KNOWING IT. JUST THE THREAT MAKES SOME FOLKS NERVOUS!!]
In the aftermath of these controversies, both Admiral Poindexter and the TIA program are gone!!
This can only be considered as a huge negative.
In this war against terror, a war liable to last for DECADES, you want all your brain power employed as it best can be employed. Admiral Poindexter for instance. A brilliant mind wasted!! And for what?? I am not sure? To assuage a few security idiots, paranoid fanatics and die-hard Ronald Reagan bashers? If Poindexter did make a mistake and was guilty of perjury TWENTY years ago [his conviction WAS overturned], well it was twenty years ago. He still is a person we need to help in the fight in the war against terror. HE IS needed. All the help we can get is needed.
And TIA?? An improvement over a proven winner is now gone. And with NOTHING to replace it. There is something like this being used with airline travelers. But not a system as all encompassing as was TIA. Another disaster.
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