Submarines II.
This is coolbert:
One nation that seems to have taken the concept of air-independent-propulsion [AIP] for submarines to heart is Communist China.
[Before I go any further, we must be of the understanding that right now, the United States and Communist China, as the number 1 and number 2 military powers in the world respectively, are natural rivals of one another in the military sphere. This is in keeping with the dictum of the military affairs writer, Gwyn Dyer, who says that throughout history, where ever and whom ever [# 1 & #2 military powers] they may be, this has always been the case. The ONLY military threat to number one is from number two, SO THEY ARE natural threats to one another.]
And there is a point of contention between the Communist Chinese and the United States that threatens conflict between these two foremost military powers on the planet.
There is a possibility that at some time in the future, perhaps in the near future, Communist China MAY attempt to reunify Taiwan with mainland China, using force to do so. There has been a lot of bluster in the past from the communist rulers in this regard, although, so far, nothing has transpired. But, it cannot be ruled out that force has been eliminated as an option for the communists. FAR FROM IT.
If war between mainland China and Taiwan does occur, the U.S. is treaty bound to come to the aid of Taiwan. China does have to consider that an attack upon Taiwan will bring a response from the U.S.
A response that will be primarily a naval response. A naval response in the form of the American aircraft carrier. Carrier borne naval aviation that will attempt to defeat and repel an attack by communist forces upon Taiwan.
A response that the Chicom [Chinese Communists] MUST have a counter for.
A counter perhaps best found in the AIP submarine.
Chicom AIP submersibles that offer a lot of advantages over the nuclear variety submarine.
[China already a has nuclear powered submarine [more than one [??]]] that is a missile firing sub carrying nuclear weaponry. Has a deterrent value for a nuclear war.]
Advantages the Chinese would obtain by employing AIP submersibles would include:
Could be built relatively quickly, cheaply, and in much greater abundance that "nuclear boomers". The greater numbers that could be built would be of particular interest to the Chinese.
Are very stealthy. In waters close to the Chinese mainland, or even in pelagic [deep water] waters, these subs are reputed to be very hard to detect.
Can fire a variety of weapons NOT a whole lot less destructive than those fired by a nuclear "boomer". To include cruise missiles with considerable range. Cruise missiles that can be fired from a SUBMERGED vessel.
In event of war between China and Taiwan, with American intervention, that intervention being primarily naval, it is not difficult to see what would transpire. American aircraft carriers, being relied upon to carry the war to the enemy [China], would be subjected to a barrage of cruise missiles launched from Chinese AIP submersibles. A SWARM tactic designed to OVERWHELM the defenses of the U.S. aircraft carriers. Inflict damage on the carriers and force them to withdraw from the scene.
"The SONG also is the first Chinese submarine designed to carry the developmental YJ-82, China's first encapsulated ASCM [Anti-Ship-Cruise-Missile] capable of launching from a submerged submarine."
The YJ-82 can be launched from a submerged submarine. The Chinese DO have a capability in this area.

[it has always been realized that aircraft carriers are "heavyweights with glass jaws". Formidable offensive weapons that are subject to being incapacitated by a single strong blow. Just like the boxer who is a real brawler and can inflict terrible damage upon his rival, but himself is subject to knockout with one well aimed landing punch to the jaw. One hit from a cruise missile and an aircraft carrier may very well be further unable to conduct carrier naval aviation operations!!]
Is this a serious credible threat? Well, consider this. The U.S. Navy has decided to lease from a country whose name is not known to me, an AIP submarine.
Purpose is to test American anti-submarine-warfare [ASW] measures that currently exist. See if the AIP vessels CAN be found and destroyed. And , if NOT, what is needed to do so!
Sounds as if the war games pitting the AIP submersibles against U.S. Navy surface and sub-surface vessels is going to be taken with great seriousness. The U.S. Navy evidently considers this to be an eminent and serious threat!!
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