
This is coolbert:
I was wrong about the number of Iridium radio-telephones that had been purchased by the U.S. DoD [Department of Defense].
The number is NOT 1500. The number is 15,000. Well, off by one zero, not that bad.
Anyhow, see the Iridium "press" web site by clicking here. Iridium is still up and going and functioning and doing yeomans service. Such as in the New Orleans disaster. Read further about how the Iridium satellite phone system was used by the military and other government agencies in New Orleans, and is being used right now, as we speak, by clicking here. Why shoot, a success such as Iridium has had in the New Orleans disaster will only mean that the system will continue to thrive, seeing more attention paid to it by potential subscribers!!
I doubt anyone will suggest that Iridium is the sole solution to the disaster communication problem. It is a big step forward. But of itself is probably not the be-all, and end-all. These disaster task forces, combining many disparate organizations working for the same goal, will need task tailored communications. Who is going to organize a system for each individual disaster and put together a working plan? I am not sure? Homeland Security?? And who will have the time to put together a functioning, effective system?
[you could have a general standard model that can be quickly modified for each individual situation??!!]
You DO NOT have a lot of time in these situations! You WOULD like to have something other than a fly-by-the-seat-of-your pants ad hoc organization. Somebody had better give good thought to this stuff!
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