Thoughts on the military and military activities of a diverse nature. Free-ranging and eclectic.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005


This is coolbert:

And of course we cannot forget the Soviet approach to "mentally conditioning" their troops to the sight of blood, guts, and gore. According to Suvorov, this WAS an important factor in the training of Spetsnaz [special purpose] troops.

According to Suvorov:

"Another very important element of spetsnaz training is to teach the soldier not to be afraid of blood . . . . blood is a constant attribute for the battle training of a soldier . . . The spetsnaz soldier's first encounter with blood should be . . . quite unexpected and in copious quantities . . . The whole group, running full tilt without slowing down rushes straight into some sticky liquid. A blinding light flashes on. It's not water they are in - - it's blood. Blood up to the knees, the waist, the chest. On the walls and the ceiling are chunks of rotten flesh, piles of bleeding entrails. The steps are slippery from slim bits of brain. Undecided, the young soldiers jam the corridor. Then somebody in the darkness lets a huge dog off it's chain. There is only one way out - - through the blood . . . Where on earth could they get so much blood? From the slaughter-house, of course . . . . The men have to crawl beneath some barbed wire. Why not thrown some sheep's innards on the ground and the wire . . . . The process of familiarizing spetsnaz men with the sight and the reality of blood is not in the least intended to make them into sadists. It is simply that blood is a liquid with which they are going to have to work in wartime. A spetsnaz soldier may not be scared of the red liquid. A surgeon works continually with blood and so does the butcher. What would happen if the surgeon or a butcher were suddenly to be afraid of the sight of blood?"

NO ONE can say the communist military took things lightly!!

Such is the way the Soviets are alleged to have trained their most elite forces for combat. Combat where blood, gore, guts, and dismembered bodies are the norm. An effort WAS made to accustom the troop to conditions that are unnatural and horrifying. But conditions the troop must work within to accomplish his mission.



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