Thoughts on the military and military activities of a diverse nature. Free-ranging and eclectic.

Wednesday, February 11, 2004


This is coolbert:

Among the declassified documents regarding Khe Sanh is a CONFIDENTIAL Literally Eyes Only document from LBJ's security advisor, Walt Rostow.

This document narrates a luncheon with Joseph Alsop, at the time a very prominent columnist who wrote extensively on national security interests.

Alsop is quoted as saying that if the U.S. air offensive is ceased over North Vietnam, this would release 800,000 North Vietnamese military personnel for the ground war in South Vietnam.

Alsop is talking here about all the air defense personnel that were dedicated to defending against U.S. aircraft bombing targets in North Vietnam. This figure of 800,000 is interesting in light of the previous post regarding the 1 million man army Germany employed to defend against the U.S.-British strategic bombing offensive.

Alsop fought in WW2 as a Jedburgh. A member of a reconnaissance team parachuted into France. Alsop did have credentials for being a writer on military subjects. Seems to be well informed also of the number of personnel required to defend against the American air war in Vietnam. The man had contacts and was privy to some classified info?




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