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Tuesday, December 05, 2006


This is coolbert:

Twice a year during the Vietnam War, it was normal procedure for American forces to declare a unilateral truce. Once at Christmas time, and once again at Tet, the Vietnamese Lunar New Year. Units would halt in place, offensive operations would cease, and amity would hopefully reign, if only for one day. The hope was for reciprocation on the part of the communist enemy. Defensive combat was of course allowed. If the enemy attacked, you COULD fight back.

The American high command made a specific point of tallying and releasing to the media the number of communist truce violations. And it was ALWAYS communist violations. The GODless communist forces demonstrating to the whole world their true colors, so to speak.

An informal Christmas truce did occur on the western front during World War One. An impromptu event that has become the thing of legend. NOT something desired by the senior commanders. But did occur, a peaceful atmosphere existing, again, even if for ONLY ONE DAY!

This is the sort of thing that moderns find mostly incomprehensible. Have such truces existed during the current Iraq war? I am not sure. I will pay attention this year.

There IS a group of currently serving active duty British soldiers called the "Khaki Chums" that went [1999] to the ACTUAL site of the Christmas truce, dug a trench, reenacting the event of the 1914 Christmas truce. Did so for charity.

[during WW1, the British formed units of friends and persons who knew one another in civilian life. These were called "pals" or "chums" units.]

The Christmas truce of 1914 has become a thing of legend THAT INSPIRES PERSONS TO THIS DAY!



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