Thoughts on the military and military activities of a diverse nature. Free-ranging and eclectic.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Saadi Yusef III.

This is coolbert:


Please do not think that the FLN, of which Saadi was a senior member, was always a benevolent organization. It was a ruthless and brutal, sometimes behaving even sadistic, and cruel. Was SO with an almost casual and cold-blooded aforethought:

"A strict code of conduct was enforced and those
who didn'’t follow it were subjected to brutal FLN discipline."

As General Massu writes in his memoirs, the following activities were
forbidden, for example:

"To work for Europeans individually or for the French administrative offices (any local, municipal or government agency)"

"To smoke cigarettes, play cards or go to the movies"

"To own a dog (those who disobeyed were forced to kill their dog immediately and at times to drink its blood and even eat its flesh – as it happened in Philippeville)"

[The Philippeville massacre of French colonialists was exceptionally sadistic. Was calculated to make the French respond in a manner that would alienate the masses of Islamic Algerians, which the response did. Cold, calculating barbarism with the intent of causing more mayhem!!]

[the dog is an unclean animal in Islamic culture and is a SYMBOL of the hated "west" with it's decadent ways!!!]

"To dress fashionably, to accept free medical treatment, to have or to
express an opinion, to celebrate Islamic holidays (Islamic holidays were
honored by the French administration), to get married, to appear as a
witness in a French court, to pay taxes, to send children to French schools,
to work on days when a strike was declared, etc.

Retaliation was swift and extremely violent for those who didn't obey these various edicts.

The targeted person was first warned by letter and could avoid punishment only by paying large sums of money as "fines"”.

Besides execution, the punishment for smoking for example was to cut the
lips and nose of the victim and many times the penis.

As in most terrorist organizations the main FLN objective was to instill
absolute fear and discipline in a largely indifferent population."

Read the entire article that the above is extracted from by clicking here.

All the above of course occurred before the negotiations for an independent Algeria were complete. What is described above occurred during the time of FIGHTING!!

What occurred AFTER the settlement for an independent Algeria was reprehensible.

"However at independence guarantees were given by both signatories of the cease fire ("Accords d'Evian" signed by France and the Algerian FLN), that no one, Harki or Pied-Noir (European settler) would suffer reprisals after independence for any action during the civil war."

This turned out to be one big lie on the part of the FLN!!

Almost all of the French colonial citizens [pied-noirs], left Algeria, lock, stock and barrel, fearing for themselves the worse.

"The motto among the European and Jewish community was "Suitcase or coffin" ("La valise ou le cercueil")"

"The exodus accelerated after the massacre and kidnapping of 3000 Pieds-Noirs in the streets of Oran on the 6th and 7th of July 1962 by the ALN (Algerian Armae de Liberation Nationale) entering the country from Morocco after the cease-fire decreed by the French army."

This occurred of course AFTER hostilities and negotiations had ENDED!! I can imagine the fate of the pied-noirs taken alive was quite gruesome!!

[read further about the pied-noirs [black feet] by clicking here]

Worse yet was the fate of the harkis!! Algerians that had fought on the side of the French in the war. Their fate was terrible. The very people [FLN] that comment upon and talk constantly how THEY were abused and tortured and murdered by the French perpetrated the SAME acts upon the harkis!!! Maybe even WORSE!!

"As feared, there were wide spread reprisals against those who remained in Algeria. French historians estimate that somewhere between 50,000 and 150,000 Harkis and their dependents were killed by the FLN or by lynch mobs in Algeria, sometimes after torture or in atrocious circumstances."

[read further about the harkis by clicking here.]



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