Flags & Detectors.

This is coolbert:
The government of Mozambique has decided to retain the national flag with a Kalashnikov rifle embedded in it.
That ubiquitous but essential AK [avtomat Kalashnikov] so loved by "liberation" movements all over the world was considered to be so important to the FRELIMO revolutionaries of Mozambique that the "rulers" incorporated this symbol in the national colors from the start. Debating whether to remove the symbol or NOT. Decided NOT to.
And this is a country that is allowing "white settlers" fleeing the despotic regime of Robert Mugabe to settle and commercially farm unused acreage [95 % of Mozambique's arable land is unused!!!]?? Perhaps there is just NOT a clash of capitalist and communistic values here!!?? I am not sure. Read further on this topic by clicking here.
[please note that the flag of Mozambique has a hoe intertwined with the AK. Well, if 95 % of the arable land in Mozambique is unfarmed and fallow, what does that say about the entire "liberation movement" utilizing the AK. AK in hand, BUT NOT the hoe in the other. Or so it would seem!!]
The distinguished junior Senator from Illinois Barack Obama is speaking to a gathering of Democratic party faithful recently.
And the Senator is asked if President Bush should be impeached for lying about the reasons for going to war in Iraq. Surprisingly, Barack says NO!! And what is Barack's reasoning? To paraphrase the Senator:
Well, what is the Senator getting at here?? Something I have just recently blogged about this very thing. How you could make a point that Presidents since Franklin Roosevelt [FDR], AND to include John Kennedy [JFK], AND Lyndon Johnson [LBJ], also LIED about the reasons the U.S. was going to war during THEIR terms of office. All three of those Presidents being DEMOCRATS, it is obvious that in the long run, efforts to impeach President Bush would be futile and self-defeating. This to me, is obviously the thinking going on in the mind of Senator Obama.
Here is another one those amazing incidents regarding the Global War On Terror [GWOT] that just amazes me.
It has been published in the newspapers and became widely understood via leaks from inside "sources" that the U.S. government, in the wake of 9/11, placed gamma ray detectors near mosques and "Islamic" centers in Washington D.C. The total number of such detectors in just Washington D.C. alone was numbered at anywhere from around one hundred to one hundred twenty.
[in time of WAR, persons acting as "sources" and revealing information of this nature could be SHOT or HUNG as spies!! NO FOOLING!!]
Supposedly this "program" of monitoring has been discontinued.
To me, the intent of such detectors is obvious. The fear was the Al Qaeda would smuggle a nuclear backpack bomb or a radiological weapon into Washington prior to detonation. Either an real, honest to GOD atomic bomb or the radiological "dirty" bomb. Presumably such a weapon would be hidden in an "Islamic" institution prior to detonation. Being as it is that "houses of worship" in the U.S. are exempt from normal police surveillance, using a mosque would provide and excellent cover and hiding place for Al Qaeda. Another way the villains would use our own laws and rights to destroy the hated "Great Satan".
If this program of monitoring with PASSIVE devices has been discontinued, it perhaps is in response to recent court rulings that police CANNOT use infra-red detectors to detect marijuana growers who grow high grade "pot" in their basements using a myriad of "grow-lamps" to warm and provide light for THE CROP!!
[it was shown on TV how choppers with DEA agents on board equipped with infra-red cameras would conduct surveillance of a neighborhood looking for basements that gave forth an inordinate amount of heat, heat generated by all those "grow lamps". Again PASSIVE detectors that were found to be "offensive"!!!]
This is called "an invasion of privacy".
I wonder what Rabbi Akiva would have to say about such a policy in time of WAR!! Well, I know!! YOU do too!!
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