Strategy Page.

This is coolbert:
I have previously mentioned the Strategy Page web site.
See this excellent web site by clicking here.
Strategy Page is just chock full of good stuff for those are read about and are interested in the military.
One such section of the web site is called the "Combat Information Center" . Abbreviated as CIC. Written by a man named Al Nofi .
CIC describes itself as, "Analysis, facts, and figures about military conflict".
The most recent issue of CIC consists of:
Al Nofi's CIC
Issue #140, August 15th, 2004
This Issue...
Infinite Wisdom
la Triviata
Short Rounds
Watermelon Man
"Isn't that a Lovely Sight?"
"And a Hearty Laugh was Had by All"
War and the Muses - The Italian Seaman"s Prayer
Infinite Wisdom are quotations from the "great" and not so great.
Such as:
"Battles decide the fate of nations"
-- Frederick
Quotations dealing with war. Remember what Churchill said about quotations? "The uneducated man can learn a lot by studying quotations". I would qualify that by saying that the EDUCATED man can learn a lot by studying quotations. Perhaps even more so. An educated man has the proper context to understand the quotation BETTER!
"la Triviata" are bits of trivia, as you might expect, dealing with war. Again, such as:
"In 1943 the U.S. Army secretly activated two special units, the 150th and 151st Anti-Aircraft Artillery Companies, for experiments in using women in gun crews, something that the Russians had been doing for several years."
Short rounds are small articles, of a short essay type actually, dealing as you might expect, with delvings of all sorts. I.E.:
"Isn't that a Lovely Sight?"
"On the evening of Dec 6, 1941, the Commander of the Army's Hawaiian Department, Lt. Gen. Walter G. Short and his wife attended a social function at the Schofield Barracks Officer's Club. They left the club about 9:30 p.m."
At last count there were 140 entries in CIC. A lot of stuff to go over. And just a plethora or valuable information that it says a lot concerning the depth of knowledge and learning of Al Nofi.
I recommend Strategy Page and CIC highly.
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