
This is coolbert:
Click here to see a very interesting web site that details an invention called the Robo-Mule. A device that will accompany the common soldier into battle. Will carry the soldier's load and ease the strain of combat by allowing the soldier to go unimpeded to the greatest extent possible.
Of course, I have blogged on a number of occasions concerning the fighting and existence load the modern common soldier is required to carry. Excessive and impedes the soldiers ability to do his job with alacrity. Impedimenta that is felt to be ESSENTIAL [??], but is still burdensome.
It seems that devices of this type are constantly being devised. All-terrain type mechanical devices that emulate animal like motion. This particular device seems to be a wheel-leg hybrid. Many of the experimental "devices" I have seen descriptions of quite often mimic the action of a spider. Having a whole lot of legs and able to transverse all sorts of terrain. But ONLY in an experimental way, and even then, lacking. Humans as limited as they may be when compared to other animal species, DO seem to have an OVERALL ability to cross terrain even where many other animal species cannot go.
This "thing" seems to be battery powered. That would seem to be a problem. How much battery power is needed for sustained usage?? Do you plug into the wall to recharge periodically?? I think this is an idea that is still in the "experimental" stage.
It is however, an indication of the realization that the modern soldier IS just too over-burdened. Something must be done to reduce that burden. This IS [??] one solution among many.
The web site that describes the "mule" is a great site just chock full of good stuff. I recommend it highly!
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