Flying Squads.

This is coolbert:
By now we are familiar with the earthquake that just occurred in the south Asia area. Northern Pakistan, Kashmir, India.
This is supposed to be the area where Osama, Zawahiri, and the various minions of Al Qaeda are supposed to be hiding.
I have not heard this mentioned, but the thought did occur to me. Perhaps mother nature has done all of us a favor. Killed the bastards [the terrorists] under rubble, or trapped and buried them in caves.
It would be interesting to see if the folks tracking the terrorist Al Qaeda activity emanating from that region of the world sees a diminution of terrorist communications and such in the aftermath of the quake.
I also see an opportunity here for the U.S. to improve it's image in this part of the world big time. Send relief and help on a massive scale. We are the only ones that can do it and do it on the level it needs to be done. Establish a whole lot of karma [that is a sixties term] among the locals. Perhaps boost intelligence in the long run. Folks [the Pakistani tribesmen] will feel indebted and will be more prone to help us also when we need help [finding the terrorists].
[such an opportunity also existed in the aftermath of the south Asian tsunami less than a year ago now!!]
I had suggested this to a friend some time ago.
After the embassy bombings in eastern Africa, I commented that the U.S. needed to set up emergency "flying squads" [specially organized, trained, and equipped teams] that could deploy in the aftermath of incidents.
Such as occurred in eastern Africa in 1998. About 5,000 folks in Kenya alone had eye damage from the terrorist initiated blasts. Eye damage that the local doctors could ordinarily NOT treat. American medical doctors with portable but adequate facilities could help instantly a lot of those folks and once again, accumulate a lot of good karma for the U.S. where it needs it.
I don't think such "flying squads" were ever set up. Such a thing would see to be a low priority.
Perhaps it is an idea that needs to be implemented, and even more so. NOW!!
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