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Monday, July 18, 2005


This is coolbert:

At the end of World War One [WW1], the British Admiral Reginald "Blinker" Hall was quoted as saying, [and I am paraphrasing here] "we are faced with a hydra-headed enemy. Who will appear to us in many guises. For each guise and appearance we knock-down, another will rise to take the place of what has previously fallen!!"

Hall was speaking in this context of the communist world-wide threat. The intelligence services of the world's great powers, through a variety of means, were able to ascertain that the communist threat was to be an enemy for decades to come. Morphing and reemerging in a new form whenever a previous version had been defeated.

And such a threat did transpire. With the assistance of the Soviet Union, communist parties, front organizations, revolutionary groups did pose a threat to the existing capitalist democracies. And did so for decades. The communist threat did use subversion, espionage, infiltration, and other nefarious means in an attempt to recreate what occurred in Russian in the aftermath of WW1.

For the most part, subversive methods on the parts of the communists went for naught.

Communism seems to have possessed a built-in self-destruct mechanism. The communist world-wide subversive movement, and communism governments collapsed eventually from their own weaknesses. NOT without a successful resistance from the western democracies. The western democratic governments DID recognize the threat posed by communism and did resist, in a variety of ways. This too DID contribute to eventual communist demise.

With the current Islamic jihadi movement, in it's various manifestations, we see the modern hydra-headed enemy at work. The modern jihadi has replaced the communist threat. And WILL BE hydra-headed in it's form also. For each Al Qaeda defeated by the western democracies, another will rise up to replace it. In a new form. This MAY VERY WELL OCCUR FOR DECADES, PERHAPS FOR THE REMAINDER OF THIS CENTURY!!

Similarities, perhaps, exist between the now deceased world-wide communist movement and the modern jihadi movement.

It may very well be that the current Islamic jihadi movement also has it's own built-in self-destructive mechanism.

The jihadi, for all the machinations and intricate planning they engage in, ARE GENERALLY NOT ABLE TO THINK CLEARLY!! The jihadi is so consumed with HATRED for the west, they have allowed emotion to cloud reason [emotion clouds reason - - Michael Corleone, "The Godfather"]. This IS a handicap.

[this all-consuming hatred of all things western has resulted in the jihadi possessing what is called in criminal law circles as a depraved mentality. Evil thought!!]

The jihadi, as much as they like to say they profess their faith and are true to same, when they employ the methods of terrorism that they use, are in fact EGREGIOUSLY IN VIOLATION OF THEIR OWN RELIGIOUS LAWS!! And, we can except to see even more and more desperate measures taken by the jihadi, as they realize their methods and tactics just are not succeeding. This can only backfire on them.

"[2.190] And fight in the way of Allah with those who fight with you, and do not exceed the limits, surely Allah does not love those who exceed the limits."

The terrorist methods employed by the jihadi just will not work in the long run.

You, the terrorist, will only stiffen the resolve of those you intend to terrorize.

YOU, the intended victim of the terrorist, come to the conclusion that an amicable resolution with the terrorist in the conventional manner is just not possible.

YOU, the intended victim of the terrorist, come to the realization that the terrorism of the jihadi ilk cannot be compromised with!! ONLY resistance is possible. The jihadi terrorist, by using the methods he uses and by issuing the threats he makes, only makes his job more difficult. STIFFENING THE RESOLVE OF YOUR OPPOSITION IS NOT THE WAY TO VICTORY!!

The jihadi seems to be woefully informed with regard to their perception of the west.

The jihadi perceives the west to be weak and with little resolve.

The jihadi sees themselves as strong and possessing the truth.

 Rather, we should see terrorism for what it is. A response to inherent weakness within the jihadi societies themselves.

The jihadi society is weak vis-A-vis the western world and cannot influence matters in the conventional manner. We constantly hear that in the western world analysts do not understand the nature and thought processes of the enemy.

I feel that as much as that may be true, the jihadi and the jihadi leadership UNDERSTANDS EVEN LESS, PERHAPS EVEN FAR LESS, THE WESTERN WORLD!! The jihadi understand us even less than we understand them!! As a consequence, the jihadi will find it far more difficult to formulate and execute a winning long term strategic policy!!

I should emphasize that the threat from the jihadi is real and serious. This threat should not be minimized. Especially if the jihadi obtains weapons of mass destruction [WMD]. The jihadi would find little if any inhibitions from using such weapons. Rather, the jihadi, as mentioned numerous times before, relishes the thought of using such weapons, regardless of the consequences.

The jihadi enemy can and MUST be defeated. Allow the self-destruct mechanism to kick in. This may take decades, even the better part of a century to do so!!

Resistance coupled with resolve is the key. We are this for the long run. The very long run.

Continuity of effort on the part of the western world is a MUST. The first step on the part of the western powers, especially in the U.S., is to realize this and be prepared for a long struggle. DO NOT expect victory to be measured in years or decades. The U.S. was resolute with regard to the Soviets, it must be even more so with regard to the jihadis.



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