Thoughts on the military and military activities of a diverse nature. Free-ranging and eclectic.

Tuesday, May 04, 2004


This is coolbert:

The modern jihadist as in opposition to and in conflict with the United States have an appreciation of America as being an "abomination".

Well, what exactly strikes them as being abomination?

Things that to the average American we would find to be ridiculous.

Such as the time and energy spent on growing and maintaining the lawn of your home [this to the jihadists is a sign of a superficial lifestyle overly concerned with triviality].

Or seeing a cover of Cosmopolitan magazine [Tarred over in Saudi Arabia. Persons can buy and read the magazine, but not view the cover].

Or watching a TV program called the Muppets [banned in Malaysia as it features a character called Miss Piggy [the pig, the forbidden animal]].

Even the very basis of the American diet is an abomination to the jihadist [a cheeseburger is a violation of Islamic dietary law, serving meat and dairy product at the same table.]

So, you might ask, why does not the Muslim jihadist say to themselves, "that is their way, and I have my way, let the American have his way, and I will just continue with my way." That sounds good and reasonable, but to the jihadist, it is not.

Those societies, such as Egypt, and other Muslim countries throughout the world, find themselves facing the cultural "invasion" of western influence on a daily and to the jihadist, on an overwhelming basis. Satellite TV, radio broadcasts, cinema, books, magazines, fast-food franchises all are an export of the west and especially of the United States to the Muslim world. As the world's foremost power, our influence is marked and to the jihadist, oppressive and an assault on their morals. In the mind of the jihadist, WE ARE CAUSING THEM TO SIN AGAINST THEIR GOD.

That is the key. Cultural influence attacking the very basis [Islam] of what they believe to be not only the potential source of progress and prosperity, but of the very moral fabric of their societies.

The revivalist al-Afghani is most emphatic about this:

"They [the materialists, influenced by the West] are the destroyers of civilization and the corrupters of morals...they are the annihilators of peoples...Their kindness is a ruse, their truthfulness a deceit, their claim to humanity imaginary, and their call to science and knowledge a snare and a forgery. They make trustworthiness into treachery; will not keep a secret; and will sell their closest friend for a copper coin. They are slaves to the belly and bound by lust...

Thus, from all we have expounded, it becomes clear in the most evident manner that religion, even if it be false and the basest of religions, because of those two firm pillars - belief in a Creator and faith in rewards and better than the way of the materialists...

The Islamic religion is the only religion that censures belief without proof and the following of conjectures; reproves blind submission; seeks to show proof of things to its followers; everywhere addresses itself to reason; considers all happiness the result of wisdom and clear-sightedness; attributes perdition to stupidity and lack of insight; and sets up proofs for each fundamental belief in such a way that it will be useful to all people." - - al-Afghani.

The jihadist believes that they, and the whole world can achieve moral perfection through Islam, but that there is one roadblock, the cultural influence of the cesspool west and especially the U.S., impeding this grand scheme even from occurring. Mohammad Iqbal, the Pakistani, mentioned in the revivalist web site, again, is most emphatic on this:

"Believe me, Europe today is the greatest hindrance in the way of man's ethical achievement. The Muslim, on the other hand, is in possession of these ultimate ideas on the basis of a revelation . . . With him the spiritual basis of life is a matter of conviction for which even the least enlightened man among us can easily lay down his life . . . The basic idea of Islam that there can be no further revelation binding on man . . . "

And please note that Iqbal was not some wild-eyed fanatic. He was educated in elite English schools and came from the most elite segment of Indian and later Pakistani society, and was the confidant of the most elite powers in what has become Pakistan. Iqbal died in 1938, so the above quote had to be from before that. When we read Europe in the above quote, also think of the United States in the current context.

Now, is this to say that the motivators for this hate of the west is not also rooted in the such things as was mentioned in the previous post? NO! Poverty, oppression, undue influence, the Palestinian issue, all these are factors too. But, at least in my opinion, these are a side show to the major issue, that of an enormous culture clash and world view rooted in religion.

