This is coolbert: The ethnic bomb. This is an idea first heard about over
thirty years ago now. The concept is diabolically sinister. Find a germ
warfare [biological] agent, a virus or a bacteria, that will attack only certain groups of people, and leave the remainder of a populace unscathed.
For example, a ethnic bomb might be created that will attack only white
people, or only black or only Asian people, or only Swedes or only Russians,
but not others, this is the concept.
Is this concept feasible? Well, for the time being, the belief is NO! There is not enough diversity among the human species to be able to identify specific unique groups and find unique weaknesses
among that group. The human species is just too mixed.
It is said that the genetic differences between an Englishman
and a Nigerian are less than the genetic differences
between two gorillas living on opposite sides of
the same mountain in Rwanda!
The human species is just too closely related to be able to identify specific groups that accurately. You will not be able to
so precisely tailor a germ warfare agent that just attacks one
group solely. Whatever agent you have will in all probability attack
other groups too!
[This lack of genetic diversity among the human specifies is due
to an event that occurred 70,000 years ago.
The eruption of the volcano Toba on the island Sumatra almost
wiped out the human species. Of one million humans estimated to be alive
prior to the eruption, only 10,000 humans were left 1,000 years later!! From this group of 10,000 humans are descended all the people alive today!]
Having said that at the present time, to the best knowledge of the general
public, this concept is not practically possible, is it still a matter of
interest? YES! Click here, here, and here to see web sites that talk further
about this concept and such [the Village Voice site is particularly good].
About the same time that the ethnic bomb was mentioned in the public domain, a novel was published that proposed such a possible scenario as the use of an ethnic bomb. Not exactly the same, but close. This novel, written by an American author, dealt with the poisoning of wheat shipments from the U.S. to the Soviet Union with carcinogens [cancer causing]. These undetected carcinogens would be consumed with bread made from the wheat. Was a carcinogen that held a deadly delayed reaction so that it would be twenty years before all the cancers would show up. About 100 million Soviets would be afflicted with cancer, and the Soviet Union would be on it's way out as a great power. This novel, written in the early seventies, had the action taking place in the middle nineties. Did not anticipate the fall of the Soviet Union. Anyhow, this American, a man that had made a living trying to develop field expedient protection against nuclear blasts, was asked in an interview if such a thing as the poisoning was possible. He said yes, and then mentioned that he had been contacted by about twenty countries concerning his novel and the hypothesis contained within. The scientist also mentioned that in South Africa, there was a type of cancer that blacks got at a rate five hundred times the rate that whites got the same cancer! This was speculation, inferred by myself, as meaning possible poisoning of the black food supply by whites. Never proven. But read below and see the linked site.
Has confirmation of ethnic bomb ever been found in the public domain? Yes!! At the truth and reconciliation hearings in South Africa, after the end of the apartheid regime, scientists came forward to testify that they had worked on an ethnic bomb. But not a bomb to kill however. Was to sterilize the black population so they could not reproduce. A lot of bacterias were looked at but none were ever found to be effective. Again, this stuff was hard to use in a manner against a particular, unique population. Would come back to hit the disseminators as well. Click here to read about South African research in this area.
There is a disease out there that does hold promise for the ethnic bomb. Bubonic plague. The black death. It was discovered during research for AIDS that certain people, exposed to the AIDS virus, did not get the disease. Now, why was this so? It was found that their genetic make up did have an inherent immunity to AIDS. Now, some clever and knowing research did remember reading that during the bubonic plague epidemics in Europe in the period from the 14th to 17th century, a very small number of people were observed and mentioned in the chronicles to be seemingly immune to the disease. They did not get sick or die. This was determined to be about 2 % of the population. Well, the family histories of these survivors was studied and lo and behold they were found to be related to the same persons that had the immunity to AIDS. It was found that in 2 % of the white population, a natural immunity to the black death and AIDS is present. By some genetic fluke, these persons don't get sick. It was also found that in African [black], and Asian [oriental] populaces, this immunity did not exist at all. NONE, period! This would seem to suggest that if the black death hit the whole world all at once, only a very small percentage of the populace would survive, and they would all be white! Read about this by clicking here.
What would be the drawbacks to the ethnic bomb? Retaliation!! And the fear that what you are doing might get out of control and come back to bite you in a big way. This stuff, with the current technology, seems to be very feasible. Maybe is being done as we speak. At least the preparation for it. Have research or stockpiles of the pathogens ready. And not much would be required. Could be hidden in the proverbial refrigerator. You would have to assume that if you were an aggressive nation and had developed such toxins, others have done so too. You might not want to use them as you might have something used against you. And again, this stuff, whatever it is that you use, might get out of control in some way and come back to bite you in ways you cannot anticipate.
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