
This is coolbert:
Found this by accident. A military man expounding his beliefs in such a manner today would not be tolerated?? Would be quickly cashiered from the military with all due speed!!??
"ca·shier - - tr.v. - - ca·shiered, ca·shier·ing, ca·shiers
To dismiss from a position of command or responsibility, especially for disciplinary reasons."
We are speaking here of Ernest J. King. Fleet Admiral during World War Two [WW2]. A five-star flag officer. A special rank had to be created just for him!!
"Fleet Admiral Ernest Joseph King . . . was Commander in Chief, United States Fleet and Chief of Naval Operations (COMINCH-CNO) during World War II . . . He was the U.S. Navy's second most senior officer after Fleet Admiral William D. Leahy, and the second admiral to be promoted to five star rank"
Prior to WW2, while studying at the Naval War College, presented a thesis that contained remarks that today - - would be a death blow for his career. Suggested that America had a weakness - - which was - - democracy!!
"In 1932 he attended the Naval War College. In a war college thesis entitled 'The Influence of National Policy on Strategy', King expounded on the theory that America's weakness was Representative democracy:"
“ Historically... it is traditional and habitual for us to be inadequately prepared. Thus is the combined result of a number factors, the character of which is only indicated: democracy, which tends to make everyone believe that he knows it all; the preponderance (inherent in democracy) of people whose real interest is in their own welfare as individuals; the glorification of our own victories in war and the corresponding ignorance of our defeats (and disgraces) and of their basic causes; the inability of the average individual (the man in the street) to understand the cause and effect not only in foreign but domestic affairs, as well as his lack of interest in such matters. Added to these elements is the manner in which our representative (republican) form of government has developed as to put a premium on mediocrity and to emphasise the defects of the electorate already mentioned."
The pronouncements of King were BEFORE the current Uniform Code of Military Justice [UCMJ] went into effect. King would have been in violation of certain Articles [??] of the UCMJ by current standards?
Specifically, I am thinking of Article 134 UCMJ:
"all disorders and neglects to the prejudice of good order and discipline in the armed forces, all conduct of a nature to bring discredit upon the armed forces"
Even at the time, eyebrows should have been raised at the disparaging remarks of King? Recall that military officers of the period between the two World Wars did not vote or even register to vote. An unwritten agreement among gentlemen was in effect to keep the military apolitical and above board.
But not politically neutered or unobservant??!!
In the case of Ernest King, obviously NOT!
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