
This is coolbert:
The BBC is talking today about the speech made by Labour leader Brown. Brown is a Scotsman. Purportedly the next PM of Great Britain. Brown, a Scot, is worried about secessionist sentiments within Scotland itself.
Scotland may become an independent nation, breaking away from Great Britain?
Scotland is a restive place. Has a Nationalist Party [SNP] that does desire independence for Scotland. Independence has not been the case for three hundred years now. And before that, a whole series of bloody wars were fought between the English and the Scots. The latter of course seeking freedom from English domination and rule. Surprisingly, Sean Connery, a Scot, is a big backer of the SNP and for some time [??] did NOT receive a knighthood from the Queen for his efforts to promote Scottish Independence.
This entire issue of Scotland being independent was supposedly settled by the Battle of Culloden.
The battle itself, the "clearings" [which sent a lot of Scots to the New World], massacres, etc., ended once and for all, it was thought, the desire for the Scots to have their own nation.
[extreme repressive measures were used by the English to destroy the clan system of the Scots and end forever and ancient way of life. There is a historical memory of all this among the Scots. They have NOT forgotten what happened to them!]
Oil revenue from the North Sea has changed a lot of sentiment in that direction. Scots do NOT want to share this wealth with the general populace of Great Britain. "This is ours", they say!
Scotland is one among many places in the world where secessionist attitudes fester and do erupt in violence from time to time.
Violence usually finding itself expressed as fourth generational warfare [4GW]. The insurgency/guerilla warfare/terrorism/low-intensity conflict that has currently become so fashionable.
Even in "peaceful" Europe is this sort of thing found. Recently on the island of Corsica and in Spain among supporters of the Basque ETA!
Scotland, of course, is NOT a violent place. Very peaceful, at least so far. The Scots, if they desire independence, will probably seek an amicable and negotiated withdrawal from the United Kingdom [it will not be united anymore!].
YOU DO HAVE two trends at work simultaneously in this world.
One is grand unification as epitomized by the European Union. Existing nation-states are losing independence and becoming part "of a greater whole".
Secondly you also have, at the same time, "break-away" groups seeking autonomy or down-right independence.
Such has been the case in what was Yugoslavia, Lebanon, Sri Lanka [Ceylon], etc.
Bloody wars, atrocities, dismemberment of existing nation-states, mayhem on an enormous scale. People that DO NOT want to be part of the "greater whole".
I do not see Scotland as being a place that resorts to violence. Amicable negotiation is the answer. The Scots themselves would have to vote on this and be in agreement themselves. There is risk in this sort of thing. But 4GW! NO!
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