Thoughts on the military and military activities of a diverse nature. Free-ranging and eclectic.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Green Munitions.

This is coolbert:

Here is the type of thing that General Sherman or Admiral Jackie Fisher would have laughed at.

"War is cruelty, and you cannot refine it" - - W.T. Sherman.

"Moderation in war is imbecility" - - Admiral Sir John "Jackie" Fisher.

Green munitions. Stuff that kills you, but is environmentally safe and sound.

This is in all likelihood a reaction in part to the many stories that have been floating around concerning the use of DEPLETED URANIUM used in certain munitions.

Has created controversy. NOT probably a worthwhile controversy. Is the type of thing that gadflies [unwanted persons] like to make an issue of. NOT really having substance?

The uranium is DEPLETED!!

Pollution from "war stuff" is probably a SMALL polluter of the environment as compared to other "stuff" man has put into the environment over the centuries. Should NOT be made an issue or a big concern.

Like with the full-metal-jacketed [copper clad lead rounds] to be fired into Lake Michigan by the U.S. CoastGuard. Small degree of pollution [as compared to what is already there!!]. Very small indeed.

"Green munitions"!? Absurd!?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

The left doesn't have standing to sue on behalf of the working class, or the minorities, but they do have a chance to represent endangered species.
Someone who wants to destroy our national security, will quite often be looking for some damaged party or life-form which cannot speak for itself.

1:16 AM

Blogger Albert said...

This is Bert: The Greens are referred to by Suvorov [and others too] as "watermelons". Green on the outside, red on the inside.

10:08 PM


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