This is coolbert:
Here is the web site.
Really strange stuff categorized under the heading of "Bizarro" catches my attention right away. This is the sort of material I enjoy. I have an inkling that others feel the same way. Odd stuff that maybe will transform some aspect of the military in a big way.
But only maybe.
These particular items caught my attention:
[my comments in BOLD!!]
1. "Now You See Me...
It sounds like something out of a comic book, or Lord of the Rings, I know. But there's a chance that invisibility "real-life, honest-to-God invisibility" may actually be possible, some day."
Stealth technology analogous to what was seen in the "Predator" movies.
"By utilizing metamaterials, it should be possible, in theory, to create what Pendry calls an invisibility cloak."

2. "Robotic Frisbees of Death
It ain't easy, picking out evil-doers in the urban canyons of the Middle East; there are so many places to hide. Taking 'em out can be even harder, what with all those noncombatants hanging nearby. But the Air Force thinks it might have an answer to this most vexing problem in counter-insurgency: frisbees.
Not just any frisbees, mind you. Robotic frisbees. Heavily armed robotic frisbees."
Someone during the Vietnam War suggested in a jocular manner that what the U.S. Air Force needed to do was to simultaneously drop millions of super-balls all over North Vietnam. Super-balls made of a special rubber compound that would bounce, and bounce, and bounce, and bounce, and . . . Well, you get it!! Make life unbearable for the inhabitants.
3. "Clowns Sabotage Nuke Missile
On Tuesday morning, a retired Catholic priest and two veterans put on clown suits, busted into a nuclear missile launch facility, and began beating the silo cover with hammers, in an attempt to take the Minuteman III missile off-line. Seriously."
OH, this is just so funny. You will all notice how hard I am laughing. Clowns. Well, that is what they are, aren't they? There was a group that actually did disable a Minuteman site some years ago. All it required for them to do so was a commercially available rail bender jack. Damaged the "110-ton hardened silo cover" to the point where it could not be removed if a launch was imminent!!

4. "Moscow's Remote-Controlled Heart Attacks
The American military may want to attack the nervous system, with pain rays and laser plasma pulses. But they're not the only ones. The Russians have long studied such systems, too -- including one weapon that could, in theory, remotely trigger heart attacks."
This is not so far fetched. A weapon that would give enemy troops heart attacks. Well, the poison gas family known as BLOOD AGENTS already does that. Such as hydrogen cyanide [HCN]. Constricts your blood vessels from inhaling to the point where blood will not flow any more. You die as if you were having a heart attack.
Back in the 1970's, work was supposedly being done with micro-waves to attack the heart. A frog would be strapped down, with a micro-wave generator beaming synchronized micro-wave energy at the frog's heart. When the two beats [frog's heart and the micro-wave generator] had been synchronized for a proper amount of time, the generator would turn off, and so would the HEART OF THE FROG!!
It is also reputed that the Finns have the highest incidence of heart attacks and heart disease of any people on the planet. The inhabitants of one Finnish town in particular had a rate of heart disease and heart attacks that was just way off the scale. Just across the border in what used to be the Soviet Union was a giant radar complex with an intense radar beam aimed at the Minuteman missile silos of Minot SD. An intense radar beam tangential to the earth's surface. Those Finns were subjected to what possibly might have been over-whelming doses of micro-wave radiation from the radar site!!
5. "Insurgents Using Chem Weapons - On Themselves?
This has to be the most bizarre twist in the WMD saga yet. Insurgents in Iraq could very well have chemical weapons. And they may be using them - on themselves."
"a Marine blogger in Iraq. On June 2nd 2004 "The Green Side" - . . . - describes suicidal attacks by insurgents in Fallujah: "We could not understand why they kept coming but they did." The reason, it turned out, was drugs: "these 'holy warrior's are taking drugs to get high before attacks."
Agent BZ in this case. Called "Agent Buzz". Opiates too. Alcohol is not consistent with the mores of Islamic societies. But opiates are. NOT allowed officially, but it IS part of the culture. There was the case a few years ago of two bank robbers in Los Angeles that took sedatives prior to the bank robbery. Allowed them to remain calm when they engaged in a running gun battle with the LA cops. Remember too, the jihadi WANTS TO DIE!! AND BELIEVES WHEN HE DIES, WELL, HE ACTUALLY IS NOT DYING. HIS CORPOREAL BODY IS WHISKED TO HEAVEN BY AN ANGEL AND TAKEN TO HEAVEN AT THE LAST EXACT MOMENT OF LIFE. AN IMAGE THAT IS NOT REAL IS LEFT BEHIND FOR THE AMRIKI SOLDIERS TO BEHOLD!!
6. "Army Wants Synthetic Gills
The Army recently handed Case Western Reserve University and Waltham, MA. Infoscitex Corp. a joint contract to start investigating a "Microfabricated Biomimetic Artificial Gill System"… based on the subdividing regions of clef, filament, and lamellae found in natural fish gills. In the first phase of the program, 'gas exchange units will be designed and demonstrated for rapid, efficient extract of oxygen from surrounding water.'"

I remember years ago now someone had devised a membrane that was able to do this. Allowed gases to pass through while stopping the flow of water. An apparatus made of this membrane was submerged under water with a mouse inside. The mouse got along just swimmingly, without any problem, able to breath normally. Like as if the mouse was on the surface. Humans have vestigial muscles in our neck and on the top of our head that would work gills if we had them. It has been observed that people dying from MS, at the last moment of life when their lungs fail, will have these particular muscles convulse. Those muscles are trying to work the gills to get oxygen for the dying person. Gills we no longer have. Spooky, eh!!!
7. "Hurricane, Halt!
Note to self: Next time a super-storm wipes out a major American city, do not wait two weeks to mention Ross Hoffman's research into controlling hurricanes."
You may not to control hurricanes. They serve a useful purpose. Prevent a world-wide overheating of the atmosphere by absorbing unneeded and dangerous heat energy. Also, the center of the Gulf of Mexico becomes, naturally, a dead zone hostile to all life. Hurricanes are the ONLY phenomenon that can stir up the water of this dead zone and restore it back to life by mixing cold and hot waters. ONLY A HURRICANE CAN DO THIS. PART OF THE NATURAL CYCLE OF LIFE AND DEATH!!
8. "Stress-Free Soldiers
* Stressed out. DARPA's Defense Sciences Office has been trying for years, now, to figure out how GIs can fight on little or no sleep. Now, DSO officials are looking for ideas on how soldiers can wage war, just about stress-free. The scientists are seeking ways to completely eliminate post-traumatic stress disorder, as well as techniques to map and identify the neural transmitters that cause the brain to feel stress."
Drugs. Medics in the field will carry a kit bag as does the Zulu "witch-doctor". A kit bag with pharmaceuticals that will reduce stress.
9. "Brain Caps
Brain Caps. Navy Cmdr. Dylan Schmorrow wants to put "brain caps" on soldiers to improve their ability to take in new information under stress. Schmorrow, a Darpa program manager in the Information Processing Technology Office, is a naval aerospace experimental psychologist. The concept is based on the fact that humans can only handle so much information at any given time."
In the mid-1970's, someone did a study that said that an Army intelligence analyst supporting in the field ongoing combat operations, would have a new piece of information given to him once every five seconds. All this to digest, analyze, spit out as intelligence, and all this in ADDITION to perhaps functioning as a COMBAT SOLDIER if necessary. Seems to be just information overload that would cause brain shutdown. MORE DRUGS ARE THE ANSWER??!!
10. "Israel's floating fence
Israel is building an underwater barrier extending out to sea from its border with Gaza to deter Palestinian infiltrators as part of a planned withdrawal from the coastal strip, a newspaper said on June 17."
Only today, it was announced that Boeing has gotten the contract to develop watch towers to be erected along the border with Mexico. And who is a participant with Boeing in the design process. The Israeli firm that has worked on the fence between Israel and the Palestinians.
Happy belated Earth Day, enemy combatants! You may be staying here at Guantanamo Bay indefinitely . . . But at least we won't be burning up a whole lot of oil to keep the lights on when we force you to stay awake! Nope, now we've got four brand-spanking-new, 275-foot tall wind turbines supplying the power around here, Defense Industry Daily says."
Guantanamo Bay now has wind turbines to provide power. I hope something has been taken into consideration with these turbines. They interfere with doppler radars. Military radars that are used on aircraft and by ground surveillance units may have problems from these radars?? I hope not. That is not the sort of thing you want to have happen at Gitmo.
First we found out that the Army was planning to ply G.I.s with the raver favorite Ketamine, or "Special K," as a morphine substitute. Now comes word that "American soldiers traumatized by fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan are to be offered the drug ecstasy to help free them of flashbacks and recurring nightmares," the Guardian reports."
Put this one again in the "one pill makes you happy, one pill makes you small" category. The military DOES really seem to be interested in drugs that will enhance the capability of the soldier. I had heard of amphetamines being issued to Special Forces troops, but this goes way beyond that. Of course, the Zulu "witch doctors" had all this stuff figured out centuries ago!!
Enough already!! That site is a good site. Well, with regard to "Bizzaro" stuff, you just can't know until you try it??!! Yes??!!
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