Hostis Humani Generis

This is coolbert:
Interesting program on the evening news two nights in a row now.
Dealt with several subjects that have been the topic of recent blog entries.
One was about the earthquake disaster in Pakistan and the subsequent relief effort.
This particular news item was about the pack animals [mules] being used in the relief effort.
The Pakistani Army DOES have units of mule pack animals at it's disposal. Are used in the rugged mountainous terrain of northern Pakistan, Kashmir, the "foothills" of the Himalaya.
To carry large loads to inaccessible regions where no motor transport or even helicopter can go. As a mule caravan winds it's way into the mountains, the soldiers accompanying the mules must stop and rebuild parts of the trail as they go, and do this EVERYDAY.
The ground is so unstable as to make trail blocking landslides and rockfalls a never ending occurrence. And in less than a month, the snowfall will make even the mule caravans impossible. The trails into the mountains will be covered with so much snow, at least three feet deep in some spots!! Even the mules are stopped by such a depth of snow!! And, even if snowfall was NOT present, these mule units DO NOT exist in the numbers to make a big difference in the relief effort!!
[from appearances, these remote mountain villages being serviced by the mule caravans are not even accessible by helicopter. These villages appear to be built ON THE SIDE of a mountain. There seems to be no readily apparent flat area for a chopper to land. EVEN helicopters cannot assist these folks.]
[it is the desire of the Pakistani government to move folks AWAY from these remote villages for the winter. But, as in New Orleans, there IS a real motivation NOT to move away from home. Folks WANT to stay where they are, regardless.]
A second item of news interest regarding the Pakistani earthquake was that American intelligence analysts have hoped that maybe Osama WAS killed in the earthquake. Buried in a home or in a mountain. This maybe is wishful thinking. Zawahiri, the # 2 man to Osama, HAS been heard since the earthquake occurred. Osama has not been heard from in months now. This IS the longest period of time since 9/11 that nothing has been heard from Osama. Leading of course to speculation that Osama has passed on. The jury is out so far on the death of Osama. Only time will tell.
[those who criticize the U.S. intelligence community concerning 9/11 should consider the search for Osama. Even with the entire resources of the U.S. intelligence community focused on finding Osama and bringing him to justice, it has been over four years now and so far, NO Osama!! Intelligence, as I have said before, is a difficult business. I would have to assume that U.S. commanders on the ground in Afghan and near the border with Pakistan would more or less have carte blanche authority to procure and use whatever assets are necessary in the search for the villain. And yet, no positive results!!]
Pirates too are again in the news!!
"Hostis Humani Generis" - - "Enemy of the human race."
An American cruise ship enroute to the Seychelles Islands was attacked by pirates off the coast of Somalia. Attack by bog hammer putt-putt type boats. Gunmen wielding automatic weapons, firing rocket-propelled-grenades [RPG's] at the cruise ship. This was evidently an attempt to make the liner heave-to an allow a boarding party of villains to rob the passengers. Quick thinking and action [water hoses wielded by the crew, creating a chop to capsize the pirate putt-putt boat] by the master of the vessel saved the day, finally sailing out of range of the pirates and the coastline.
These pirates evidently sally forth in their putt-putt boats from a "mother ship" to attack unsuspecting vessels. It is even believed that the "mother ship" emits false distress signals, in the hope of luring suitable prey within range. Pirates are now and have always been a foul bunch. In the same category as terrorists, slavers, genociders, etc.
[here are a whole bunch of web sites to peruse regarding modern-day pirates [click here, here, and here to see]].
It seems this IS a hot topic in the maritime world.
A whole bunch of devices have been invented to ward off piratical attacks. I especially like the one where the ship's captain can electrify the hull of his ship with a 9000 volt charge, and shock the living hell out of the bad guys!!]
Finally, the news had an interesting item about the American Navy Construction Battalion [CB's [See-Bee's]] in Pakistan.
This unit is ordinarily stationed in Gulfport, Mississippi. Is now carrying out heavy lifting and construction in an earthquake ravaged city of Pakistan. This is a great irony. The home base of this unit itself has been ravaged and destroyed by natural disaster, in the case of the CB unit, hurricane Katrina.
One could easily reason that this CB unit belongs back home, in Gulfport. To help with reconstruction in the units' own home town.
One could ALSO easily reason that in the U.S., there are an abundance of construction companies that do rebuilding work in Gulfport. NOT SO in Pakistan. It seems that this CB unit is the only unit of it's type available period in Pakistan that can do the heavy lifting and reconstruction work required!!
I am sure the hope is that by doing all the reconstruction work in Pakistan, this CB unit will accrue great karma and good will for the U.S. among the locals. I am sure that it is at the very top of American foreign policy to have a stable government in Pakistan friendly to the U.S. This HAS to be a very high priority, if not the highest of priorities. Whatever can be done to further this goal, MUST be done. Even sending a CB unit thousands of miles from home when it is MOST needed at home!!
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