
This is coolbert:
From ancient times, the sling has been a weapon of war. Not fully appreciated as to it's effectiveness in modern times, it was a required and desired weapon of armies of antiquity.
Of course, we are familiar with the exploits of the Hebrew shepherd boy David.
Of course, we are familiar with the exploits of the Hebrew shepherd boy David.
Slew the Philistine giant Goliath in single one-on-one combat armed with only a sling and a stone. David, as a shepherd boy, would have been adept in the use of this weapon, using it to drive off predators endangering the sheep of the flock he was charged with shepherding. Proficiency with the sling was a required must for shepherd boys of the time.
"Then David thrust his hand into his bag and took a stone from there and slung it, so that he struck the Philistine in his forehead and the stone sank into his forehead, and he went falling upon his face to the earth." - - 1 Samuel 49.
The Assyrians incorporated slingers into the missile throwing troops of their armies. There is a carving that has been found that shows how these troops were arrayed. Javelin throwers in the front ranks, several rows deep. Followed by archers, also several rows deep. And then the sling throwers [peltists]. Also several rows deep. This would seem to suggest that the peltists could cast their "stones" further than an archer could shoot his arrow??!!
The Roman Legions also used peltists among their troops.
It seems that mercenaries from the Balearic Islands [off the east coast of Spain] were most proficient at the use of the sling and were recruited and highly prized by the Legions.
The Romans, as part of their usual war making capability, institutionalized and industrialized the field of peltistry.
"Then David thrust his hand into his bag and took a stone from there and slung it, so that he struck the Philistine in his forehead and the stone sank into his forehead, and he went falling upon his face to the earth." - - 1 Samuel 49.
The Assyrians incorporated slingers into the missile throwing troops of their armies. There is a carving that has been found that shows how these troops were arrayed. Javelin throwers in the front ranks, several rows deep. Followed by archers, also several rows deep. And then the sling throwers [peltists]. Also several rows deep. This would seem to suggest that the peltists could cast their "stones" further than an archer could shoot his arrow??!!
The Roman Legions also used peltists among their troops.
It seems that mercenaries from the Balearic Islands [off the east coast of Spain] were most proficient at the use of the sling and were recruited and highly prized by the Legions.
The Romans, as part of their usual war making capability, institutionalized and industrialized the field of peltistry.
The Roman peltists did not merely cast "stones" gathered from the ground. Rather, Roman peltists cast solid lead glandes that were the size and the shape of a human kidney. The English word gland comes from the Latin word glandes, meaning kidney. Actual molds used in the smelting process of the glandes have been found. Getting hit by a glandes cast by a peltist could easily break a bone, rupture an internal organ, cause further serious injury, or even kill any person hit by one of these solid chunks of lead being hurled at high speed!!
[the Romans were especially fond of lead. Where ever the legions marched, lead deposits were always sought out. Lead, mined and smelted, was used by the Romans for a variety of purposes. Piping to direct hot water for Roman baths was a favorite usage [the word plumber comes from the Latin word plumb, meaning lead]. And of course, the smelting of glandes for the peltists of the legions was another. There was a terrific demand for lead during the time of the Romans. Indeed there is found all over the world, a 2000 year old deposit of lead that is a legacy of the quantities of lead mined and smelted by the Romans!!].
And please do not think that the sling is an archaic weapon no longer in use!!
During the Spanish Civil War [circa 1936], a famous film was shot of what appears to be a Republican soldier atop a roof slinging hand grenades at an unseen enemy. Using the sling allowed the soldier to cast the grenade much further than could be done by hand.
And during the several intifadas of the Palestinians against the Israelis, Palestinian youth on many occasions have employed slings to cast "stones" at Israeli troops. Much to the consternation of the Israelis, these sling wielding youths can cast a "stone" large enough to harm or kill from a long distance. And with great accuracy too. These Palestinians are carrying out a three thousand year old tradition of confronting a superior foe with crude but very effective weaponry!
"Even in the first Intifada, the media glorified 'children of the stones' as latter-day 'Davids'struggling against the Israeli 'Goliath.' Young Palestinians, armed with slings and stones, were on the front lines of the struggle against "occupation." "
[in the case of the Palestinian youth, not only is the "stone" cast by a sling in actuality an effective weapon, capable of causing harm, it has a tremendous metaphorical aspect to it also. The Palestinians like to see themselves as the modern day "Davids", fighting the modern day "Goliath" [Israel], with weaponry that was actually used by David himself].
As I have said in a number of previous blog entries, sometimes the old ways are the best ways!!
[the Romans were especially fond of lead. Where ever the legions marched, lead deposits were always sought out. Lead, mined and smelted, was used by the Romans for a variety of purposes. Piping to direct hot water for Roman baths was a favorite usage [the word plumber comes from the Latin word plumb, meaning lead]. And of course, the smelting of glandes for the peltists of the legions was another. There was a terrific demand for lead during the time of the Romans. Indeed there is found all over the world, a 2000 year old deposit of lead that is a legacy of the quantities of lead mined and smelted by the Romans!!].
And please do not think that the sling is an archaic weapon no longer in use!!
During the Spanish Civil War [circa 1936], a famous film was shot of what appears to be a Republican soldier atop a roof slinging hand grenades at an unseen enemy. Using the sling allowed the soldier to cast the grenade much further than could be done by hand.
And during the several intifadas of the Palestinians against the Israelis, Palestinian youth on many occasions have employed slings to cast "stones" at Israeli troops. Much to the consternation of the Israelis, these sling wielding youths can cast a "stone" large enough to harm or kill from a long distance. And with great accuracy too. These Palestinians are carrying out a three thousand year old tradition of confronting a superior foe with crude but very effective weaponry!
"Even in the first Intifada, the media glorified 'children of the stones' as latter-day 'Davids'struggling against the Israeli 'Goliath.' Young Palestinians, armed with slings and stones, were on the front lines of the struggle against "occupation." "
[in the case of the Palestinian youth, not only is the "stone" cast by a sling in actuality an effective weapon, capable of causing harm, it has a tremendous metaphorical aspect to it also. The Palestinians like to see themselves as the modern day "Davids", fighting the modern day "Goliath" [Israel], with weaponry that was actually used by David himself].
As I have said in a number of previous blog entries, sometimes the old ways are the best ways!!
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