
This is coolbert:
One correction and one addition to my previous blog entries on chivalry.
It was Reynald, not Raymond [of Chatillon] that had caused grave offense to Saladin. Reynald=Reginald. For having the temerity to violate the person of Saladin's sister, Reynald met death. And was deserving of same, if you can believe the accounts attributed to "Sir" Reynald.
The commander of the Atlantis, Kapitan Rogge, WAS respected by his German crew, those Britishers that became his prisoners, and the allies.
"Rogge also was one of the few German officers of flag rank [general or admiral, either one] who was not arrested by the Allies after the war. This was due to the way he had exercised his command of Atlantis."
"The skipper of the British vessel, City of Baghdad, which the Atlantis sunk in July of 1941, stated, 'His treatment of prisoners left respect, instead of hatred.'"
And ALSO the Japanese.
The capture of one particular British ship [Automedon] by the Atlantis yielded the proverbial "treasure trove" of intelligence secrets, all instrumental to eventual Japanese victory in the Malaya campaign.
"15 bags of mail marked, 'Safe hand. By British Master only.' This mail included the whole of the Top Secret mail for the High Command, Far East, new code tables, and a War Cabinet report on British forces, defenses of Singapore, information regarding Australia and New Zealand, and an appraisal of Japanese intentions."
Accordingly, as described by Hughes-Wilson:
"after Singapore surrendered in 1942 Kriegsmarine Kapitan Rogge of the Atlantis was presented with a samurai sword from the Emperor of Japan's own hands; a Japanese honor almost impossible for any Westerner to comprehend"
[I may have mentioned this in a previous blog. But it IS worth repeating!]
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