Thoughts on the military and military activities of a diverse nature. Free-ranging and eclectic.

Friday, July 08, 2005


This is coolbert:

Is there a solution to this seemingly constant and universal of the human condition called WAR??

Some people say YES! The particular solution I have in mind generally goes under the rubric of "One-World-Ism".

This is just one solution among many that have been proposed. A solution that some feel is being implemented as we speak. A solution that however, may exacerbate existing conflicts or potential conflicts. A solution that MAY result in a backlash that will lead to MORE wars, not less. Wars, too, that may become even more vicious and devastating.

This solution [One-World-Ism] is being implemented, according to some, by the Trilateral Commission. A group of people, worldwide, that has organized themselves for the purpose of eliminating war and conflict.

The Trilateral Commission has it's genesis in the period at the end of the Vietnam War. The late 1960's and the early 1970's. Formed by a group of movers and shakers [VIP's], both within their countries of origin AND on the world stage, this group began asking themselves the basic question as to WHY do nations and peoples fight wars in the first place! What compels societies ALL OVER the world to engage in war?

The "founding fathers" of the Trilateral Commission arrived at the not-too-novel conclusion that wars are the result of differences that exist between peoples and nations.

Differences that manifest themselves in a number of ways.

To include [primarily, but not strictly limited to]:

* Differences of race.

* Differences of religion.

* Differences of language.

* Differences of economic disparity.

* And any combinations of the above.

What the Trilateral Commission proposes is to eliminate, over a period a decades or even centuries, differences between nations and peoples, at least to the greatest extent possible.

War will be eliminated, according to the Commission members, by creating a one-world government, a one-world race, a one-world religion, a one-world language, a one-world economy [globalization [with a one-world currency]].

This brave new world of the Trilateralists will consist of, to the greatest extent possible:

* A much strengthened and powerful United Nations [or a modified version thereof], that the currently existing nation-states [including the United States] will surrender sovereignty to. An international government with teeth.

* Racial mixing and intermarriage on a global scale.

* The de facto adoption of a world-wide lingua franca [probably based on American English].

* A merging and melding of world religions. People will no longer speak about JESUS, ALLAH, YHWH [JEHOVAH], etc. People will in the future speak of the power, the force, the spirit, the Supreme Being, GOD. But NOT of any of the currently existing deities worshipped by the various world's religions.

* Regional trading blocs that will eventually meld into an international trading bloc, employing one currency only [perhaps the Euro??], not having borders to restrict goods or the flow of people. Blocs are just a step toward total world economic integration. The European Community is perhaps the archetype in this regard.

Of course, the Trilateralists would recognize that such a process of creating "One-World" will not go smoothly and without incident. This process will of course take decades, or even centuries to complete, and will not be without setbacks from time to time. Roadblocks will appear and will have to be overcome. The overall course, however, will be seen to be positive, from the standpoint of the Trilateralist.

Will such a scheme for "One World" end WAR as we know it??

The answer is perhaps, YES! But, such a scheme will ONLY succeed if the people of the world acquiesce without a murmur and are compliant in a manner that up to this point, they HAVE NEVER BEEN!!

AND ONLY if nations and peoples throughout the world are willing to forgo or compromise on basic principles, ideas, values, etc., that are considered to be absolutely essential to their very being as a people or a nation.

Throughout history, over a period of millenniums, there have been "things" that people and nations have been willing to fight for and defend, even unto death. "Things" that are SO important, that these "things" cannot be relinquished or given up, NO MATTER WHAT!! EVEN IF IT MEANS WAR!!

[when I speak of "things", I am speaking of principles, ideals, cultural mores, behavior patterns, etc.]

In the past, an unwillingness to give up or compromise on "things" has led to war.

We see rebellion against such a "thing" occurring in ancient Judea during the rule of the despot Antiochus.

Antiochus promulgated the very rational, sane, and to himself, logical, and UNIVERSAL law [universal within the kingdom of Antiochus], that the human body was not to be modified in ANY manner, the human body being the perfection of creation.

All manner of tattooing, scarification, AND circumcision was to be included in this law.

Circumcision being a "thing" that the Jews of ancient Judea COULD NOT compromise, this became a source of friction and finally war between the rule of Antiochus and the rebellious Jews, led by a priestly family, the Maccabees. With the victory of the latter!

Antiochus probably did believe that in promulgating his "universal" law against modifying the body, he was doing GOOD! His good, however, conflicted with a "thing" the Jews of ancient Judea JUST COULD NOT compromise on. This led to war, regardless of the "good" intentions of Antiochus!!

The current unwillingness of the U.S. government to allow it's citizens to come under the jurisdiction of the newly created International Criminal Court [ICC] is a modern day example of a "thing" that JUST CANNOT BE compromised on.

The ICC seems at face value to be a very logical, sane, reasonable attempt on the road to one-world-government.

A one-world-government so greatly desired by the Trilateralists. And yet the ICC lacks for Americans a very basic concept. The right to trial BY A JURY OF YOUR PEERS. The ICC uses a panel of JUDGES to make decisions, NOT a jury. To an American, the right to have a trial by a jury of your peers is a basic right, a GOD GIVEN, INALIENABLE RIGHT THAT NO MAN CAN TAKE AWAY, NO MATTER WHAT!!!

Between those members of the world community espousing the ICC as a "world" court, and the American public, an irreconcilable gap exists. A gap that CANNOT EVER be resolved. NO compromise is possible here, as far as can be seen.

This is just ONE example that demonstrates that the ONE-SIZE-FITS-ALL approach of the Trilateralists is just wrong. Potentially, a whole myriad of conflicts over "things" exists in the world.

Trying to force concepts down peoples throats will NOT work. Creates animosity. And using coercion to compel obedience will only make the situation worse. Exacerbate the situation. Create conflicts where is not necessary.

[Am I saying here that the U.S. is willing to go to war over the ICC and the right to trial by a jury of your peers??? NO!! But do irreconcilable difference exist here?? YES!!]

Generally speaking, utopian ideas such as those had by the Trilateralists JUST do not work. Overreaching schemes are just that, overreaching.

[One can see the current wave of Islamic jihadists are in conflict with the modern world and the "global" culture and society as epitomized by the American. At conflict with the values and mores and values as espoused by the West in general. Globalization means a lessening of cultural mores of the Muslim world, cultural mores that have a religious foundation. Again, generally speaking, religious tenets for many are absolute. As the Muslim woman in England said, "my religion is my culture, and my culture is my religion. When you attack my culture or religion you are attacking me." Such attitudes can be expected to generate A VIOLENT RESPONSE!!]

For those interested in reading further about the Trilateral Commission, click here.



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