
This is coolbert.
I see that Senator Durbin has profusely apologized to the American people for his remarks that U.S. soldiers, when handling terrorist suspects at Guantanamo [Gitmo], were behaving in a fashion that reminds one of Nazi or communist barbarity.
What was most interesting to me is to who Dick Durbin apologized to, and how the apology was done. As was covered in the Chicago Tribune.
His main apology was directed at survivors of the HOLOCAUST. The slaughter of European Jewry that occurred over sixty years ago now. Senator Durbin was most concerned with apologizing to the survivors, and did so, as I have said profusely.
It was almost as an afterthought that he also included an apology to the American servicemen who were smeared by his accusations.
NOW, it is good that he apologized to the HOLOCAUST survivors. To compare what the terrorists at Gitmo are being subjected to as having some sort of equivalence with what those Jews who had to submit to Nazi barbarism went through is just absurd. Senator Durbin NEEDED to apologize. He shows little knowledge of the past if this is his appraisal of the situation. And demonstrates a naivete that is just outlandishly strange.
But to apologize to the American serviceman, as he did, again, as almost a tepid afterthought, this too is absurd. Again, demonstrates that the Senator DID NOT think through his apology fully!! Does still not fully understand what he said and how and why the reaction was generated to his comments.
Senator Durbin, one of the "wise men" who make critical decisions governing this country, just seems to lack in certain areas. Senators are often referred to as "solons", after the great Greek lawgiver, Solon.
"Wise men". "Solons".
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